Genie In A Bottle. Chapter Eight.

Start from the beginning

"You alright, Angelo?", I asked, getting up.

He jerked, "Oh Lexi, yeah.", he said, shrugging casually.

I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him questionably, "What's going on?",

He shrugged again, "Nothing.".

I looked at him closely, eyeing him. He looked back, trying to keep call but I can smell nervousness and excitement from a mile away. And telling form his good blue jeans, white beaters, and black and white plaid shirt and his hair all done up, there is something. Does this have something to do with a boy name Dallas who Angelo has been catching with the last two days?

"You got a date.", I said, pointing at him.

He at first looked like a deer about to be hit by car headlights before he fixed his face and chuckled, "What? No, of course not. You have lost your mind, my friend.",

I walked up to him, "I can smell bullshit a mile away, Angelo. Remember who I am? You don't have to lie, it's a good thing.", I said, smiling at him and a huge smile appeared across his face. "Where are you two going?".

"Hey mentions the mall.", he said.

"The mall, that's good.", I said. "You two have fun, someone should at least.",

He frowned, "He hasn't forgiven you?",

"You know what's weird?", I questioned.


"He punched you flat in the face and you want me to still be with him?", I said really confused.

He shrugged, "I'm a forgiven person, what can I say? But I do plan to get my revenge at one point.", he said. I opened my mouth, but he spoke before me, "And I'm not telling you.",

I closed my mouth and grinned, "Knew you wouldn't anyways. Have fun, but hey, remember: he's really interested in you if he kisses you on the third date.",

He rolled his eyes and leaned down, kissing my forehead, "Lexi, Lexi, Lexi.", he repeated tiredly as he turn and walked over to the door.

I began walking around the couch to sit down when Angelo opened the door and I heard a familiar voice, "Opps, I'm sorry. Andria home?",

I looked up and saw her familiar wavy chestnut brown hair and petite look. My eyes lit up at the sight of Jesse and her eyes did the same thing when she was me. "Jesse!", I did but cry out in excitement as I ran around the couch and over to he

She squealed, "Andria!", she cried and we hugged each other. We hugged each other tightly before we unhooked ourselves. "My, my, my, look at you!", she said, running her fingers threw her hair that has gotten so long. "I almost didn't recognized the same biker chick rebellious girl I use to know.".

"Well I easily recognized you.", I sarcastically said.

She pursed her lips and grinned, "Same attitude I see though.",

"Well you know me.", I said. I looked at Angelo and saw him trying to look friendly, but he looked uncomfortable. "Jesse, this is a good friend of mine from Greece, Angelo. Angelo, this is Jesse. She has been my friend since I moved here to Hayden even though she left me to go to Boston to become a history teacher.", I boringly said.

Jesse chuckled, "Yup, four months gone and you haven't changed. It's nice to meet you.", she said, holding her hand.

Angelo put his hand in hers and shook, "It's nice to meet you to Jesse. Amazing that Lexi became friends with someone so nice and friendly as you. She's a shark.".

"I couldn't agree more!", Jesse said.

Angelo leaned down to my cheek and kissed it, "I better get going though. I'll be back later.",

I nodded, "Have fun.", I said as he walked out.

Jesse looked confused, "Um, Levi would have murder if he was here to see that.", she said.

"He's gay.", I said and she looked surprise. "Long story, but like I said he's my friend from Greece. You know Europeans with kisses on the cheek. He came over for my birthday and right now, he has a date with the school team soccer star player, Dallas.",

"Oh!", she said. "How does Levi feel about him though?",

"Like I said, long story.", I said. "So were is meat head Kaden?", I asked, chuckling.

"At his house with his family. Levi over there.", she said. "I thought I'll come by and surprise you. Where's Helene?",

"Did I just hear my name?", my Yiayia asked as she walked down the steps. She had a big smile on her face, "Jesse, glyka,", Yiayia said as she walked over to us and they hugged tightly. My Yiayia placed her hand on Jesse face, "Beautiful as ever, still.",

Jesse smiled, "Oh Helene, you haven't aged a bit. I have missed you're homemade special tea you make for me."

Yiayia chuckled, wrapping her arm around Jesse and hooked my with her, "My girls.", she said.

After getting a cup of tea, we were sitting at the kitchen table.

"So, your turning eighteen tomorrow.", Jesse said. "You must be excited. Both you and Levi.",

Yiayia and I both made the same look; sad.

She looked confused, "Did I say something?",

"I kind of messed things up over the past couple of day.", I honestly said. "I mean, bigger than I usually do and now Levi mad at me."

"So she finally comes to her senses.", Jesse said and I looked down at my cup of tea. "Kaden and I knew you would, just wish it didn't take that long. Seems like I won the bet still.", she said, smiling in victory. I looked up at her confused, "I said you'll realized before you birthday and Kaden said you would after. I won.",

"I'm turning eighteen tomorrow though.", I pointed out.

She shrugged, "It still didn't pass.",

I rolled my eyes and took a sip, "Anyways yeah, he's mad. I feel bad now.".

"Have you told him that?", she asked and I nodded. "Oh wow. And you apologizing? Must been big. Do you know what your going to do?",

I shook my head, "No.",

She nodded slowly and she looked like she went into thought. "Well, the only way is to show your sorry.",

I looked at her confused, "Huh? What are you talking about? I have tried, but he's being stubborn.",

"I said you have to show him, not tell him.", she said, grinning.

I looked at her confused for a moment, then realized what she was trying to do. I got up, "No, stay out of it Jesse!". I never like her plans cause it always involves something I know I won't like. "Keep you and Melanie ideas away from me.".

She got up, "Oh come on! Knowing me, you know I'm going to want to have to help! Do you own any dresses—",

I covered my ear, "No, no, no! I'll do this myself!",

She pursed her lips, "I don't care, I'm helping. I got this really cute dress I packed that'll go perfect and these really cute sandals—".

"Jesse, I'm not wearing any dresses!",

"Oh yes you are.", she says. "You want Levi to forgive you, right?",

I didn't speak.

"Good. Even, a little lip gloss and Halle Berryperfume is not going to kill you.", she said. She brought her hands up and clapped excitedly, "Tomorrow is going to be so fun!",

I looked at my Yiayia and gave her a look of help, but she just placed her chin on the palm of her hand and smiled.

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