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Some say she's a mermaid just by her beautiful natural wavy hair, people believe that she is the next Cinderella, while others think she is a mysterious fairy tale?

The sound of the birds singing had awoken the not so morning like person; however she rattle around the bed trying to wake herself up almost falling back asleep again. Because of the old lady with a annoying attitude goes around into all of the rooms and check who is up, for the people who don't wake up in time for breakfast gets punished by her, or never hear the end of her bragging which it gets annoying and make everyone's morning, or day feel miserable.

Anyways without that being said. LuReine sat up in her cozy almost victorian like bed with dark colors. Stretching her mussels moreover yawning at the same time. As the sun strike through the window burned her pale white skin. LuReine could already tell how hot the weather was just by the touch of the sun's reflection. She can feel her bone ache, its probably because she was sleeping wrong twisting and turning, she didn't get much sleep either last night.

LuReine stood up from the left side of her bed, walked to the mirror. The sun was extremely bright for her to bare that she had to squint her eyes, once her eyes has came to adjust the light, LuReine could see her own reflection staring by at her with puffed eyes also in her plain big white blueish sleeping gown.

Her hair wasn't looking so good today considering it was all over the place by the struggle of trying to sleep, still it would have looked in better shape if she didn't had to struggle last night.

LuReine had pick up the comb that was laying next to her on the mirror counter that was neatly place on top of it. The comb brush through her hair making a crunchy noise of how tangle her hair was, sometime LuReine even had to pull it out forcefully, her scalp began to ache.

She heard the clock tower of the bell rang as it strike twelve. LuReine looked around the room making sure she got everything in place. Putting down the comb back on the counter, LuReine saw her steampunk airship like uniform hanging on the side of the mirror, she had quickly changed into the uniform, then making one last check of her appearance. LuReine did not approve of her hair, however that is the best it gonna look and gave up on trying on making it any better. Last, but not least she grab her brown long-strapped bag, swung it over her head until she wore it, properly place.

LuReine took a deep breath in then out, she hoped that today would be a better day for her, most of all she hope to learn some more new crazy magic spells. Once she was ready of what have been awaiting for her today, she turn the door knob, her heart pounding rapidly holding her breath and bit her lip, as the door in front of her creek open.

Author's note: Hello, this is my very first time actually publishing for people to read on the internet. I'm sorry that I am not the greatest writer that is out there, but I'll try my best to make people enjoy what they're reading. Please comment down below to tell me of what you think on the story so far, so that I can continue on writing more thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2017 ⏰

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