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For once, Emerson was grateful to get roughly pulled aside by Allison. It had been almost a week since the game and she had managed to avoid Renee fairly successfully by crashing in Nicky, Aaron and Matt's room.

But it was Saturday, which meant no classes to escape to and Renee had just spotted her as she left the boys' room. Thank God for Allison's bitchy stubbornness though.

"Do you want me to buy you a flag for a cape?" the blonde asked, leaning against the boys' door frame. "I'm buying Kevin, Renee and Dan ones as well."

"Sure," Emerson replied, trying her hardest to ignore Renee where she was standing a few feet away. "Do you think I should get the ace or pan flag?"

"Both your flags are so pretty," Allison grumbled. She was still upset over how ugly the aromantic flag was and seemed unlikely to ever get over it. "I think asexual flag. Then you can wear pan clothes and jewellery or whatever."

Emerson nodded. "Cool. Will the flags get here in time?"

"They should," Allison said, her phone already in her hand as she typed furiously. "I'm paying a shit ton extra so they'll arrive as soon as possible. If they don't get here before Pride, I'll sue them."

Emerson had no idea if she was joking or not. Allison made a move to walk away but was blocked by Aaron leaving his room. "Are you planning on sleeping here much longer?" he asked Emerson, completely ignoring Allison.

"Alright, just pretend you didn't interrupt an important conversation," Allison said sharply.

"You're just talking about pride, who gives a fuck?" Aaron said, not even turning to look at the blonde.

Allison's eyebrows shot straight up and Emerson became a little scared for Aaron at the fury in the girl's eyes. "We give a fuck," she snapped. "Just because you're some homophobic straight dude doesn't mean that pride is any less important to queer people."

Aaron finally turned to Allison, looking confused. "Yeah, I know the history of pride and all that shit," he said, sounding like he wanted to smack Allison. "But as important as it is, I really need to find out if Emerson plans on snuggling with Matt again or if she's finally going back to your room."

Before Allison could retort with something unpleasant, Emerson said, "Yeah, I'll be in your room tonight."

Aaron nodded and turned to re-enter his room. Then he stopped and looked at Allison. "And never call me a straight dude again or I'll rip your tongue out."

"Bu—" Aaron immediately cut her off.

"I'm asexual, so don't ever put me in a group with heterosexuals."

Then the door was slammed in Allison's face. She looked a bit dazed and walked away slowly. Emerson was surprised as well but didn't have time to ponder it because Renee had chosen that moment to pounce.

"Why are you avoiding me?" she asked.

Emerson hated the way that Renee sounded genuinely hurt. "I-I'm not," she said unconvincingly.

"Don't treat me like I'm an idiot, yes you are," Renee said. "You haven't slept in our room in a week but you're still fine talking with Dan and Allison. It's just me you haven't spoken to."

Without a shred of her dignity intact, Emerson turned and ran. She sprinted down the stairs and only stopped when she was standing in the cool air outside.

God, she was pathetic

* * *

Allison's hatred of the aro flag is literally just me projecting

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