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Emerson looked around at her friends and was torn between sighing and laughing.

Allison was easily the drunkest in the room and was serenading her bottle of whiskey with a Taylor Swift song. This involved lots of dramatic dancing, leading to the mostly-sober Neil almost getting an elbow to the face more than once.

He and Andrew were just a little fuzzy by the looks of it but were babysitting the trashed Kevin who was slumped on the floor, his head leaning against Neil's legs as he spoke in slurred French to Nicky. The other boy would then answer in German.

Neither seemed to realise in their drunken states that the other had no idea what they were saying. But Neil seemed to be getting a kick out of it.

"When was the last time they came up for air?" Renee asked from where she was sat beside Emerson on a beanbag. They had chosen a nice sober corner once the drunkenness had really started.

Emerson looked to where Renee was gesturing and saw Dan and Matt, tongues down each others' throats and hands far too close to private areas.

"Over five minutes ago, I'm pretty sure," Emerson replied. The impressive making out became a little hypnotising after a while and Emerson accidentally zoned out while looking at it.

Unfortunately, while zoning out, the two had finally remembered they needed oxygen and were taking a quick break. Matt looked up and saw Emerson staring.

"Hey, Emmie, wanna join?" he slurred, a cheeky grin on his face.

Dan poked Matt in the cheek. "But I don' like girls, remember?" she said, now stroking his cheek with her finger. "You're the bi one."

"Oh, yeah," Matt said as if all of this was new information. "Sorry Em, Dan says you can't join!"

"That's cool," Emerson called back. "Sex isn't really my thing anyway."

The usage of the word sex was apparently not very smart because the two immediately starting making out and clawing at each other again.

Renee was laughing quietly. "Shut up," Emerson said, lightly shoving the other girl.

The laughter stopped but Renee's soft smile remained. Emerson felt her heart stop for a second, suddenly feeling the insane urge to kiss the other girl.

But before she could do anything stupid Allison flopped her entire body over their laps. "All the Monsters are gone," she said, her voice slow as if it took a lot of effort to get words out. "Neil an' Andrew took Kevin, an' Aaron left ages ago. Bu' Nicky's still here 'cause he's asleep on the floor."

Allison pointed to where the boy was indeed passed out on the uncomfortable floor. "I wanna sleep now, too," she said, snuggling her face into Emerson's thigh. "Nighty-night."

As if someone had flipped a switch, Allison was asleep.

"Um, what do we do?" Emerson asked, gently poking Allison's cheek.

"Stay here, I guess," Renee replied. Matt and Dan had also left at some point, leaving only the two girls and two sleeping drunks in the room.

Emerson could think of worse ways to spend a night than sitting beside Renee Walker.

* * *

wOw this is highkey a piece of shit

SICK OF LOSING SOULMATES ▷ RENEE WALKER [✓]Where stories live. Discover now