Chapter Fourty Nine

Start from the beginning

My breathing speed up as I looked from my shoulder, to theirs.

"No, no i'm not! I'm human!" I yelled letting my sleeve fall back into place.

"Park, please calm down." Ava said touching my arm.

She looked at me and suddenly I felt calm.

"H-how did you do that?" I asked looking at the floor.

"Werewolves can calm each other down. That is what I just did."

"So, I really am a werewolf?" I whispered.

Harry nodded and took my hand in his, "This is a good thing though, Park. Trust me, it is a very good thing."

I let go of his hand and turned around. I wrapped my small arms around Ed's torso and buried my head in his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and put his chin on my head.

"Don't ever leave me, Ed. I need you." I mumbled into his red shirt. I felt his chest vibrate.

"I would never dream of it."

"So you'll stay?" I asked with tears brimming my eyes. I pulled away and looked up at him.

He looked towards Nolan in the corner and he nodded.

"I'll stay."


My legs were intertwined with Harry's as he played with my fingers. We were laying on his-our-bed.

After some more catching up, I went and talked to my mom. Abby and Gabby were furious that I said I was leaving, but when I talked to my mom in private, I told her everything. She knew all about my real father and almost everything else I told her. But when I said that I was a werewolf, she broke into tears.

She said she knew the day would come when I would change, she knew it would, but she never expected it to be so soon. I was very curious about how she knew about everything. Ed told me that dad left right after I was born, how would she know all this?

I'll ask her another time, she looked like she had enough for one day.

So I packed my clothes, and anything else that I would need, and left. Harry said that we would be moving in a couple days, to a house in the forest, away from town.

I know there's still things Harry isn't telling me, and I know there's secrets with my family too. But I'll just have to wait, and find out for myself.

"What are you thinking about?" Harry pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Just my mom," I said intertwining our fingers together.

He smiled and leaned in closer to me, "When I saw you fall asleep four days ago," he paused and leaned his forehead on mine, "I thought I would never see those green eyes again. But here we are, sitting here, together."

I smiled and touched my nose to his, "I'm all yours, baby."

The corners of his mouth lifted up and he quickly pecked my lips, "oh yes you are."

I giggled and jumped off the bed. I heard him yell "Hey!" but ran down the stairs anyway. I made it to the living room just as Harry was halfway down the steps.

I squealed as he made a lung for me, but I ducked under his arms and dashed for the door.

I made it to the lawn, when two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I was laying on the grass

I was laughing so hard that tears were in the corners of my eyes. Harry rolled from next to me and was now on top of me, but he had his weight centered at his arms. I was trapped under him.

"Now where were we?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow, "oh yes, I remember."

He ducked his head down to me and out lips brushed over each other. I closed my eyes and leaned my head up to connect our lips.

It seemed like and eternity passed, until someone said, "Get a room!"

Harry rolled off me and glared at the door. Lou stood leaning casually against the frame with El next to him. She was giggling at us.

I sat up and rolled my eyes. Harry grabbed my hands and pulled me to his chest.

He grabbed my small hand in his large one and smirked at Louis, "Maybe we will!"

I gasped and smacked his chest with my free hand.

We all walked back inside when Ava called us for dinner.


When we finished dinner, Me and Harry were in his room, but he was sitting at his desk, doing something, and I was sitting on his desk, watching him.

"It's really hard to concentrate when your sitting less then six inches away from me. On the desk." Harry said laughing.

"Oh, so i'm a distraction?" I said crossing my right leg over my left.

He groaned and put his pencil down, "An annoying, yet sexy distraction."

"Want me to go?" I started to get off of his desk when he stood up and went between my legs.

"I never said that."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, "I love you, Harold."

He smirked back at me and leaned on closer, "I love you more, Parker."

Our lips met. But this time, not slow and passionate, but loving and needed.

And the second our lips locked for a second time, I knew, this is where I belong. This, is where I have to be.

This is the rest of my life.

Harry found me, and I found him.


Author's Note


I will be publishing the second book soon, so keep a look out for Hunted.

Chapter Fifty will be up very soon.
Stay beautiful


Found | first book in Found TrilogyWhere stories live. Discover now