"Fine... I wanted you to come with me to this party but if you don't want to go......" he trailed off.

"Wait who's throwing it?" I asked and he paused.

"Alex" I rolled my eyes and got off the couch, Darren followed leaving Jasmine clueless. "Babe please" I walked up stairs ignoring him.

"Nope" I said as I walked in my room, Darren closed the door behind him and pinned me to the wall. He knew this would weaken me but I'm not saying yes.

"Are you sure you want to no" he said in a husky tone. I rolled me eyes and looked down.

"yup and thats the answer I'm sticking with." I tried to get free but failed.

He started to kiss my neck and I moaned. He stopped at a spot on my neck and sucked on it.

He finally let go and kissed my lips. His hands slipped under my shirt as he pulled me closer to him.

His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for an entry and I gave it to him. His tongue explored my mouth as mine did his. We stopped the kiss once we needed air.

Darren started to smirk "You have a little something there" he pointed to my neck.

I went to look in my mirror and my eyes grew wide.

"Darren you gave me a damn hicky!" I yelled at him while he just stood there laughing.

"I can give you another if you don't go to the party." I sighed and threw my hands up.

"Whatever" I said and he started to smile. I pushed past him and found a navy blue dress. It was a little short but who cares.

"Go down stairs and wait" I told him. He rolled his eyes and walked out of my room.

I got dress and put make up on. I curled my hair loosely and put on black heals. I walked down stairs to see my mom talking to Darren and my sister on the lap top.

"You look beautiful!" my mom said and ran up to me. Darrens eyes explored my entire body. I didn't think I looked all that but I don't know.

"Thanks mom" I smiled and looked at Darren.

"You ready" I nodded and walked out the house with him. Once we got in the car he turned my chin to look at him.

"Are you trying to make me die" I laughed at the way his face looked.

"No just being me" I stated and ruffled his hair.

He took that opportunity to kiss me again but doon pulled away. "Lets go before I end up taking you." He winked. I shook my head knowing he meant my virginity.

We made it to the house that the party was at. There were tons of people here, at least maybe 200. I looked at Darren before going in.

"Who will be here?" He shook his head

"Probably no one you know, but I will stay with you." he started to go in but I stopped him.

"Are these people Vampires" I asked a little shaky.

"Some but mostly humans" He said and I nodded. We walked in and the smell of beer filled my nose. I saw tons of people drinking, smoking, gambling.

"Stay right here I will be back" And with that he disappeared. I got a coke from the bin and stood on the wall. This was going to be boring but whatever.

It felt like an hour had passed since I've been here and I would love to be home. I felt someone tap my shoulder pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Hey" It was Will.

"Hi Will" I said happy that I had someone to talk to.

"Your bored aren't you" he said smirking, and I laughed.

"Yes and can't wait to go home." I said and he grabbed my hand.

"Lets go dance so you won't go home." I laughed and nodded.

We went into the crowd with people grinding on each other. I started yo dance to the beat of the music and so did he. The song 'lost in stereo' by All Time Low came on.

We danced for a while but soon sat on the couch watching others dance.

"So uh...you and...Darren a...thing?" Will yelled over the music but sounded like he couldn't get it out.

"Uh I guess, I mean I have to because of the whole mating thing. " I said telling the truth. I also did have feelings for him but didn't know if they were mine.

"oh-" he said as I caught him focusing on something else with a panicked face.

I looked where he was looking and couldn't believe my eyes. Darren was grinding with some girl. I could tell she was a vampire because of her vangs sticking out while she was smiling.

Tears welled up in my eyes but I held them back. He only liked me because he had too.

I shook my head and looked at Will.

"Do you mind taking me home" I said and I guess he was shocked by my reaction.

"Come on" We both got up and walked out of the party. We soon got to my house. We didn't talk the whole ride here, I guess he was giving me time to think.

"So whats going ti happen?" He sighed. I already knew what was going to happen.

"I'm breaking up with him." I said and he was surprised by my actions. I didn't knew how I was going to do that though.

My classmate's a vampireWhere stories live. Discover now