Bringing back my wife!

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The village head came and asked Laksh what was he doing here and shouting at the marriage hall. Laksh shouted that 'yes I will shout because she is my wife Ragini, we got separated due to an accident and I don't want to lose her once again' saying this he came near to Ragini and asked her to open her mouth and say the truth.

Just then a man came and said that she was his daughter 'Devi' whom he had found on a river bank and whom after coming back to consciousness she behaved like a child. He continued that he have to accept this marriage because he had got so many debts from that old man and that old man had promised that if he get married Devi to him then he can get more money from him and he would clear all his debts. So that man asked him to go away. Laksh was very much worried and frustrated and grabbed that man by his collar and asked him 'how dare are u to sell my wife to another person before my eyes. She was my wife; no she is my wife and will be my wife only. She is only mine. Only mine! Did u get it?' saying this took bundle of moneys and wrote a blank check and threw it on that man's face and went to Ragini and held her hand and asked her to get up. She too responded and asked Laksh to take her from there because she didn't liked that old man who was always touching her hand without permission.

Laksh became very much frustrated hearing that he had touched her hand without permission. He went to that old man and hit him black and blue. The other villagers tried to stop him but after seeing his frustration, they back off. Ragini was jumping and clasping her hands looking at the fight. Then turned at Ragini and a smile came on his face. He called Ragini to come near to him and she too goes to him. Laksh then said that 'Ragini if anyone was touching u without ur permission then kick them like this' saying this he kicked at the main point of that old man. Ragini too tried like him. But her blow was much stronger than Laksh's which made the old scrolled him and screamed in pain. Then Laksh took Ragini in his car and he straightly drive to Maheshwari Mansion.

Everyone was shocked and happy to see Ragini alive. They ran to her and bombarded with millions of questions. Ragini was so much feared and she ran to Laksh and hide behind him. She asks Laksh to take her away from there. Everyone was shocked to find Ragini acting childishly. Then Laksh consoled Ragini that it was their house and they were all our family. After hearing it she came forward and said her name as 'Devi' but she realized that Laksh told her name as Ragini so she introduced herself as Ragini. Everyone could not understand what was going on. So they gave a confused look to Laksh. Laksh then explained them about Ragini's memory loss and incidents happened at marriage hall. Everyone were worried on Ragini's condition. But Ragini said that Laksh have taught him to make a man weak just with one blow saying she was about to hit at Laksh. But Laksh in few seconds caught her leg and asked if she is practicing on him? Ragini showed her tongue and winked at him. This made everyone laugh loudly. Laksh then chased at Ragini and Ragini hiding behind everyone asked sorry to him. Just then the family realized that their happiness was back to them.

Then Laksh took her to his room. He gave her lehenga and her to change it and said that he would bring food for her. After a while Laksh came inside the room to see Ragini struggling to wear it. It was the first time when Laksh's heart stopped breathing. Just then Ragini turned toward Laksh and she was in her blouse which was not pinned correctly and her knots were so loose which made Laksh to see her curves but he removed his eyes and her skirt too was in the same condition. Ragini broke the silence and asked him 'baby I don't know how to put this stupid dress and u urself wear it to me'. Laksh looked at her cute face and controlled his feelings and kept the food on the night stand and thought to ask help from Swara. Just then Ragini asked him to dress her or else she will cry. He asked her not to cry and he would go and call her sister for help. But she was very adamant that he should do it. So he came near to her and his eyes were only looking at her eyes.

He asked her shall I touch u remembering the practice blow and she smiled and said ok baby. He then turned her and her back was visible to him. But he somehow controlled and pinned the blouse correctly and tied the knot correctly. Then he adjusted the skirt also. Now he has to cover her by her dupatta but he doesn't know how to do it. So he kept aside but he could not dress her like this. So he went to his cupboard and took out his shirt and made her to wear it. It was so loose to her so she played with him like a sumo fighter it made him laugh and he asked her to eat the food. But she eats food very little and much wasted more. So he took the food and feed her. She too enjoyed and soon she slept because of the tiredness. He covered her with blanket and he went and lied on the couch. He then remembered the old Ragini and her suicide and her confession. Then he too slept on the couch.

Next day morning Laksh woke up first and saw Ragini sleeping upside down at the corner of the bed. She then started to move and about to fall down just then Laksh catches her. Then Ragini opened her eyes and found herself in his arms and smiled. Laksh too gave a smile to her and shared an eye lock. Just then Swara entered and saw them in this position and to make them come to the reality, she cleared her throat. Then Laksh saw her and placed Ragini at the center of bed like a flower. Swara asked Laksh to get ready and she would take care of Ragini and asked Ragini to come with her but Ragini refused and said that only her baby should get ready her. Laksh then said that no, no, baby u go and get ready with ur sister and I would feed u the food and asked deal? And Ragini too replied ok and went with Swara just then Laksh called Swara and ask her to be careful and before touching her just ask her 'shall I touch u' or else the result will be severe ok? Swara laughed and asked Ragini. But she looked at Laksh for permission then Laksh asked her to say yes and Ragini too accepted it. Ragini was in her long skirt and a T shirt and everyone was in dining table and having their breakfast and Laksh was feeding Ragini who was running here and there and Laksh too followed her without any complaint. All of them saw at this and felt happy. Just then a voice sounded 'Ladoo' then everyone looked at the entrance there they saw Ragini's Dadi along with Sharmistha and Shekhar. She came near to Ragini and started to ask many questions while caring her face. She gave a confused look. Just then her Dadi said that she should not be here. That Laksh may kill u. Come with me, we shall go home. Saying this she held Ragini's hand and started move out of the house. Everyone was shocked and Ragini tried to free her hand saying 'I want to be here. This is my house and I will always be with my baby. Only he had saved me from an idiot man and he could not kill me' and said 'leave me u old lady'. Everyone was shell shocked.

Laksh asked Ragini to say sorry but she didn't. Then he came near to her and gave her a chocolate and asked her to say sorry and she took the chocolate in her hand and said sorry old lady while smiling. Then he took back the chocolate and asked her to say 'sorry dadi maa'. Ragini made her puppy face and said 'sorry dadi maa'. After saying this she took her chocolate back and hides behind Laksh. Dadi was having tears in her eyes and could not say anything. She saw her Ladoo was comfortable only with Laksh and everyone convinced her to let Ragini stay at MM itself. So she too agreed for it.

Everyone was very happy after Ragini's return. They have forgotten whatever she had done in past. They were enjoying Ragini's childish behavior. Meanwhile Swara and Sanskar had developed feelings for each other and confessed it. They consummate their marriage. Laksh take care of Ragini like his child and Ragini too always be with Laksh. He would play with her feed her and say stories to her and take her to outings and wanted to spend his life only with Ragini because he had fallen for her. Now he could not spent even a single day without Ragini and too for Ragini.

Raglak ts: My mad wife!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang