Chapter 3

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Everyone in the Great hall are talking. Whispering. It was just like his first time to be sorted. But back then, the reason was he was "Potter" and "the boy who lived". He walked to Dumbledore taking the hat then he putted it in his head.

"Hmm," said a small voice in his ear. "Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes - and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting. ... So where shall I put you?"

"You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that - that's it then, SLYTHERIN!"

Now the whisperings are louder.

"Dumbledore? Slytherin? The hat must be out of its mind!"

He looked at the Slytherin table, and there he saw Tom. He was analysing him. He quickly looked away when his scar hurted. He didn't wince.

"Granger, Hermione"

Hermione walked to the stool then placed the sorting hat in her head.

"Ah, a ready mind. Intelligent. You're perfect for Ravenclaw. But I also see you brave. Gryffindor. ---No! Slytherin. I insist. I can be cunning. And I'm ambitious.--Well you should be gryffindor you know. Well, better be SLYTHERIN!"

She smiled brightly. She has done it. She's a slytherin. She looked for Harry, but he saw Tom, with a glare at someone. But that someone was Harry. She sat beside him and hugged him. She's to emotional these days.

Professor Dippet stood and said, "Let the feast, Begin!"

Suddenly the table is full of food. They both dig in. When Tom, spoke to them.

"My name is Tom Riddle. I'm the Slytherin Prefect." He stretch his arm, waiting for a shake. Hermione shooked it but after that, he turned to Harry. Harry shook it for about a second. But that was long enough. Far too long. His scar burned but he didn't wince.

"Harry," he simply said.

"Ah, yes. Harry Dumbledore. You're not Albus', are you?" he asked with a glare.

"No, Aberfort's." he said.

"It's a first you know? Dumbledore in Slytherin. Are you sure you're a Dumbledore?" Tom was looking intently at him.
"Yes, I know. Albus will clearly talk to me later." He greatly faked a scowl.

"And you, Hermione, am I correct?" Tom looked at her.

"Hermione Granger, yes."

"Pardon me for asking but, I haven't heard of a Granger before, are you a halfblood?" he asked

"No, I'm not a halfblood. I'm a muggleborn. Harry and Aberfort saved me last summer. Only then have I known that I'm a witch. But Harry and Abefort, and also Professor Albus' have been teaching me all summer." At the mention of muggles Tom gave her a deadly glare, but she continued. Harry noticed the glare so he held her hand. After that Tom turned away from them.

After the feast, they were led to the dungeons. They stayed in the common room first. Both of them have their own bedroom. But they chose to stay in the common room, needing company. Hermone was leaning in Harry's shoulder and hugging his waist. Harry's arm was around Hermoine. They both closed their eyes, not wanting to see the green and silver banners, and just having their last night without mission, because tomorrow, they'll be back in the war.

They only went to their rooms when it was ten. They didn't know that everyone was looking at them.

They both couldn't sleep that night. Hermione just read the Tales of Beedle the Bard over and over again, trying to solve why Dumbledore gave it to her. She couldn't ask Dumbledore now because he might not know the answer as well. After hours, her thoughts went to Ron. Ronald Weasley. She missed him. His freshly mowed grass, paper parchment and spearmint toothpaste smell, she missed it greatly. She already know she likes him years ago, but she confirmed it when he smelled just like amortentia.

She remembered the days Ron spent with Lavender. Her heart was filled with jealousy at that. But then she remembered that Ron was the first to get jealous, and it was because of Viktor. Viktor was no more than friends for her. But she like to spend time with him. But it was nothing when she was with her Ron.

Harry is holding the Marauder's Map. He was looking for the two dots. He can't see where Ginny is. Then he looked at the seventh floor. There was Luna, she was pacing. And after that, her dots vanished. Ginny must be in the Room of Requirement. He hopes that she's okay.

He misses her so much, her fiery red hair, everything about her.

But he wasn't looking only for her. He was also looking for Ron. Maybe Ron went back to Hogwarts. Maybe he didn't. Then he saw Neville's dot, and it also vanished it front of a wall. Then suddenly a horde dots went to the hall, he recognized that it was Ravenclaws'. Then those dots too vanished. Minutes later, bunch of Hufflepuffs' dots also went then vanished. He waited for hours but none came out and none came in.

He closed his eyes, he saw her eyes staring at him, then he fell asleep.

Hermione and Harry: Riddle in Time (Tomione/Harmione) UNEDITED حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن