Tears swelled up in his eyes, as he just pictured their future of them having kids, the marriage everything. He knew Cali was the love of his life and only wanted her to be the one who carried his babies and to take his last name.

He made a plan, that after he healed up and went to through hus trial to get the final verdict, he was going to propose to her. She had shown him time after time that she was wifey material, she played her role well and she deserved the title of being his wife and he was going to give her that, he didn't care that they only been knowing eachother for a year and some months, in those months a lot happened and she stuck by his side through it all.

Most women would run once they got exposed to Ahmad's issues but Cali didn't run, she stayed, helped him grow and helped him achieve his goal to be happy for once and he couldn't thank her enough for that. "Does the doctor know you're awake or your family?"

"The doctors yes, family no."

"Do you want me to call them?"

He shook his head no, "I wanna spend a little time with you and my two babies for a while." Moving over being sure not to hurt himself or wake Marquette he motioned for her to get in next to him.

Slipping her shoes off, she got in the bed under the covers and snuggled up to him as he wrapped both his arms around the two people who always made his heart skip beats. "I missed you, I missed this honestly." She admitted as she rubbed circles around his stomach with her finger.

"I missed you too, I swear I did.. I honestly thought I was gon' die in there." He mumbled. "But I guess God wasn't ready to call ya boy home just yet, plus its alot I need and want to do before I go anyways."

"Like what?"

"Go see my sister finally.. I need to come to terms that she isn't returning no matter how many times I pray she does .. I thought about her and you guys a lot in jail, and its time for me to say goodbye .. I know if she's watching me upstairs she probably mad I ain't attend her funeral, hell I'm mad at myself."

Kissing his chest, she looked up at him. "You know I'll be there if you want me too."

"I'ma need you there .. but I know once I let go of that .. I'll officially be good mentally cause I've let go of everything else so far, so this is the last hump.. then I can officially be the man you always seen in me deep down."

"You already accomplished being the man I always dreamed of having. You love me, you love my son, you make me happy and I'm extrememly proud of you, its like I'm looking at a whole new person. Words can't even express how I feel towards you .. I just know its a love so deep that it makes me cry just to think about it."

"I knew the day I met you it was a for reason, didn't think me grabbing you a box of fish fry would blossom into this but I don't regret it and I feel I met you at the perfect time because I was in the process of wanting to change, anytime before I was just looking for someone to bust a nut on and go bout my business, and you don't deserve that."

Cali just smiled as things got quiet between the two until she remembered some good news she wanted to share. "We find out the gender next month, your trial should be over and you should be out by then ..you excited?"

"Of course, you think I'll be a good father though?"

"Yes, Marquette loves you deeply and you're really good with him .. I can only imagine how you're gonna be with our child."

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