41. What The Heart Wants

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Peter awoke the next morning to someone knocking on his door. He was in a cold sweat, the horror from his dream still fresh in his mind. He blinked awake and pushed himself to a sitting position. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes, and struggled to steady his breathing. He looked at the clock and saw that it was nearly twelve in the afternoon. Jack would be out of surgery by now. Had he made it? Was he in a coma? Was he even alive. Eager for answers, he called for the visitor to come in, hoping that they would have news.

Then, the Avenger Vision passed through the door, taking him by surprise. Peter stood up quickly to address him, and Vision's lifeless eyes focused on the boy. He wore a black sweater and gray trousers, with a white collared shirt underneath. The fact that he was just a super advanced robot both weirded Peter out and left him in awe. Over his arm was Peter's suit, now clean and looking brand new. He laid it on the dresser, then started to speak.

"Mr.Russell is awake. He's asked to see you," Vision informed him, "and Mr.Stark will be arriving soon."

Peter nodded, feeling relief knowing his friend had survived the night. He searched for something to say to the Avenger, but Vision was gone before he could reply, walking through his bedroom wall and disappearing. After he was gone, Peter went over to his dresser and opened it. Inside, he found everything that he definitely had in his own drawers back home, including science pun t-shirts. Had Mr.Stark gone shopping for him? With a yawn, Peter quickly changed into a science shirt, jeans and a pair of sneakers that fit him perfectly. He grabbed a jacket off the hook and left the room, leaving his suit in his room and making a mental note to come back for it. His heart raced at the thought of seeing what kind of condition his werewolf friend was in.

Peter walked down the hallway and a friendly nurse pointed him in the right direction. He passed a few other rooms before getting to the right one. He pushed open the door, and saw a now-human Jack sitting in the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown and eating a pudding cup while he watched the news. He had one earbud in, bobbing his head slightly to the music playing on his iPod.

His hair was a flaming orangish-red, his close-cut stubble bearing the same color. He appeared to be totally fine, not a scratch on him. Jack looked at Peter as he walked in, and a smile spread across his face. Werewolf or not, his eyes still shone the same bright blue.

"Morning, sunshine," Jack said, setting his finished pudding cup down and popping his one earbud out, "wild night, huh?"

"Yeah, really wild," Peter agreed, sitting down on a chair next to Jack's bed. He was glad his friend was okay, and that he had the blessing of a quick recovery. Peter was almost comforted by his friendly attitude. Jack had almost died the other night, and yet his good nature hadn't left him, even after his near-death experience.

"They caught Connors. He's confessed to everything," Jack said, pointing to the TV that was fixed to the wall. A small grin pulled at his lips, "they've vindicated me."

"Congratulations!" Peter said, smiling along with his friend, "how does that feel?"

"It's relieving, I guess. I mean, Connors apparently confessed to brainwashing the "Wolfman" and using him for "nefarious" purposes. But that doesn't mean everyone loves him now, you know?" Jack replied with a heavy sigh, "they'll always know me as the monster that attacked policemen in Times Square."

Peter understood what he meant. Sure, he was no longer seen as a criminal, but convincing people that he was good was still something to be done.

"Well, Werewolf will soon be recognized for the hero that he is, especially after last night," Peter pointed out, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees.

By Moonlight (P.P + M.J)Where stories live. Discover now