Is It Better To Remember?

Start from the beginning

  ~"Don't scare me like..." A male says, and you smile at him,
  "It's okay Jim." You say as you get up and dust yourself off.
  "Y/n," he says as he squints his eyes, "Yeah? Well you're bleeding." He walks over to you, and you look over yourself,
  "Oh c'mon!" you say as you look at the cut on your arm, "It's only a scratch. Nothing big or important at all." He shakes his head,
  "Sometimes I worry about that head of yours..." He says smiling,
  "Yeah yeah yeah..." You say, rolling your eyes, "I love you too."~

  "Y/n!" Zsasz shouts as he holds you in his arms,
  "Jim..." You say as you look around, "Where's Jim?" Zsasz looks at you, his eyes seeming to hold back an unknown fury,
  "I can call him for you," He says, his voice flat, "If that's what you would like." You nod your head,
  "Yes please." You say, "Jim's the only one I want right now." Unknowingly those words broke both of your hearts.
  "Of course," He says then his voice quiets not loud enough for you to hear, "Anything, if it makes you happy."

  "Knock Knock." a voice says and you look up to see Jim. You involuntarily stand up, but he rushes up to you, "No, no, no... You should be sitting."
  "Sorry." you say as you sit back down. He hugs you,
  "So..." He says as he starts pushing you out the room, "How's my favorite sister doing?" You smile,
  "I'm your only sister..." you say without a second thought. He laughs,
  "This much is true..." He says as he stops and begins to sign you out and sign stuff, but you zone out. Your eye having caught a man, who you assumed to be Zsasz standing in the distance staring at something with his sleeved rolled up and a blade in hand. You began to wonder what had just happened,
  "Y/n!" a voice says pulling you out your thoughts, "What are you staring at?"
  "Nothing," you lie easily, "Just thinking..."
  "Okay, " he says as he looks around, "Well... Let's go home."

  "Why do you only visit when he's not here?" You ask as you finish eating your breakfast. He looks at you and shakes his head,
  "I guess I don't want you to see the real me..." he says, his voice low, hard to hear,
  "Hmmm?" you say, food in your mouth,. He shakes his head,
  "Cause it's such a hassle, to talk to other people besides you.
  "But if he's my brother, and apparently we like each other," You ask as you take another bite, "Wouldn't he already know who you are? and you two would just be cool with each other or somethin?"
  "Well he definitely knows me..." he says, a dry chuckle escaping his lips again, you raise your eyebrow, and he shakes his head. You sit down your eating utensil and frown at him,
  "Why do you keep doing that?" you ask, a bit irritated,
  "Doing what?" he asks and you groan inwardly,
  "Shaking your head." you say to which he responds with yet another head shake, "It's as if you don't want me to remember you? What are you hiding? " You sigh, "Do you not want me to love you?" you look up at him and stare him straight in the eye, "Because at the track we're on, I'm not going to remember anything about you... And you'll just be another person, all you're gonna be is a hit man to me who just happens to work for penguin, and happens to be rivals with my brother. Nothing special Victor, nothing special at all..." a tear starts to form and you sigh. He looks at you wide-eyed and you stare back, "What?"
  "You just..." he says, befuddled, "You remembered!" You smiled at him,
  "I did?" you ask and his smiles falters a bit... "Wait what did I remember Zsasz?" He looks at you, and you notice him clench his fist,
  "I better get to work." he stands up, " I don't want to be late.
  "Wait no!" you say as you follow him to the fire escape
  "What?" he asks, irritation lacing his voice,
  "I just..." you say unsure of what just happened,
  "You just forgot?" he asks clearly now irritated, "Yea... I know. That seems to be all you're good for..." he slip off the fire escape and is gone,

  ~"It's all you're good for." he says and you lower your head, and begin laughing,
  "It's funny..." you say, in an almost manic voice, "Mr. Not important at all, you really seem to think you were a somehow good at being bad yet you had to 'kidnap' me in order to get Zsasz to even talk to you." He looks at you confused,
  "What are you..." he asks, but finally gets a good look at you. You break the ropes holding you, and run up to him, knocking him on his back. You straddle him, your hands against his neck,
  "Did you really think Zsasz's girlfriend was actually afraid of a piece of trash?" you ask as you chuckle dryly, he starts to gasp for air, and you smile, "Never underestimate someone with y/n as their first name." his body goes limp and you smile, "Or it just might kill ya."~

  You stumble backwards, you couldn't... Could you? You look at your hands and begin to shake. You weren't a killer? Were you?
  "When it's necessary, yes." a voice says and you turn around to see Gordon. He waves at you, and you sigh as you realize he had been on the phone. However, you still couldn't shake what you just saw...

  "What are you doing!?" a voice shouts, and you are immediately awoken from your sleep. You stretch and go see what the problem was. Though you wish you hadn't,
  "I thought you were gone." a voice, you now recognize as Zsasz's. You walk in to see Zsasz and Jim going at it. Something about this being very, very familiar,
  "You better not have been visiting her," Jim says, clearly angry, "I want her to have a better life this time around. Not with someone... like you..." Victor's hand moves to his holster,
  "You had better shut up," he says, threateningly,
  "You know what?" Jim says as he clenches his fist, " YOU DON'T GET A SAY!"

~"YOU DON'T GET A SAY!" he yells at you and you freeze, "None of you do!" You're stuck you don't know what to do,
  "Leave her alone!" A man to your right says, you turn to see Zsasz,
  "Victor!" you yell as tears begin to fall, "I-" A shot is heard, and you look to the right to see a bullet hole in the chair's back, and you shrink.
  "GCPD!" a voice, you know is Gordon's yells through the roof door. Tears begin to fall and you know your death is imminent,
  "I suggest you don't come anywhere near." He says as he holds the machete up to the wire connected to the chair you currently resided in, which was the only thing that kept you from death. Gordon looks at it to you, then to Zsasz. He snarls, and they bicker, "Oops." he says, shutting both of them up, as his machete touches the wire, and you can feel it loosening.
  "I have to." Gordon says, and Victor shakes his head,
  "Don't do it!" Victor shouts,
  "Do what?" you ask, but before you comprehend what happening, you're falling.~

   You shriek, as all the memories resurface, gaining both Victor's and Jim's attention. You cower backwards, and trip. However, you knew it was bad, being that the last things you saw was frightened Jim and Victor, then the fire escape, then the sky, then finally, darkness.

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