chapter 2

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I smiled as I saw the house it was big and looked cozy. "Wait here I'll go get mom and dad" Asriel said and ran inside. "Frisk hows Your knee?" I asked "its ok now thanks to u" frisk said with a smile I smiled back. I sat down and played with chara's hair he smiled frisk jumped on my back we laughed. Suddenly the front door opened and two goat people came out, they walked over to us
"Hello my child I am Toriel caretaker of the ruins and this is Asgore my husband and you already met Asriel, Chara, and Frisk" Toriel said I smiled "hello Mrs Toriel Mr Asgore my name is Y/n" i replied.
Two weeks later~
Tori and Asgore invited me in as their own. Today Tori was taking me out to see the under ground to get some stuff frisk came along, Frisk held my hand as we walked. We stopped at a store, and looked around me and Frisk went to look at toys frisk found a mask and put it on and showed it to Tori she smiled "that's cute" she said me and Frisk looked around as tori got some food. I found a good book I loves to read when i was younger. I grabbed the book and sat in a soft chair frisk watched me grab the book and sit she came up to me and sat in my lap I smiled and started to read. As I reed aloud more children sat down and listened I smiled I put the book down and started to move my hands as I told the story even the parents where listening. When I was done everyone smiled the kids clapped, I smiled and bowed tori smiled "my child where did u learn to do that?" she asked I chuckled "well I love reading to kids its peaceful" I say Tori paid for her stuff and we left as we walked a young monster ran up behind me "miss y/n wait!" they yelled I stopped and looked at them "yes?" I asked "will I come back tomorrow to read to us?" they asked I smiled and looked up at Tori "can I mama?" I asked she smiled "of course my dear" she said I smiled and patted his small head "I'll see ya tomorrow kid" I say he smiled and ran back to his friends. I smiled suddenly frisk smiled "PAPY!! SANS!!!" She yelled and ran up to two skeletons. The tall one with the red scarf picked her up and hugged her, after they talked for a moment they walked over to me "HELLO HUMAN I'M THE GREAT PAPYRUS!" he said as his scarf flew in the wind i smiled "hello papyrus nice to met you I'm Y/n" i say he smile got bigger and shock my hand. I looked at the other tall skeleton beside him "hey kid names sans, sans the skeleton" he said I smiled "nice to met ya sans"  I said shaking his hand. I got to know Sans and Papyrus they loves my story's and wanted to hear more so I told them I'll be at the same place tomorrow at the time. I was chasing frisk around cause we were playing tag smiled and turned a corner and I turned as well only to smack unit something soft and we both went down. I sat up to see a white shirt with alittle but of a blue belly showing I looked up to see i ran into sans he sat him self up on his elbows and looked down at me "dang kid you gave me a skin crawling scare there" he said laughing I gasped and got up "oh my gosh I'm so sorry!! Here let me help ya up" I said he grabbed my tiny hands and I pull him up only to slip and he fall's on top of me he blushed bark blue "o...oh uh" was all he could say. I felt my face heat up, I gulped when i saw he had fangs "hey kid u ok?" he asked "y....yea" I whispered sans got up and helped me up frisk was laughing up a storm I hid my face in my f/c hoodie. "Well I'll see ya tomorrow y/n" he said walking away with blue still on his face frisk smiled as we caught up with tori. We walked inside and Frisk told Chara and Asriel what happened Chara laughed Asriel hugged me "its ok not be bashful" he said
Skelebro's house~
Sans was laying on his bed blushing with the image of you in his head. He smiled as he thought how small you where to him he thought it was cute When you got bashful. "Man I cant wait to see her tomorrow.... She's so kind and caring Papy likes her all the monster kids love her she's so gentle" sans said as he closed his eye sockets.

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