(8) You're turning me into a monster.

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I didn't know if she would appreciate this, but I just couldn't help myself. I took a look at the picture she put on my wall and smiled, that was going to stay there.

I put my arms around her body and for once in my life, my insomnia had subsided and I had finally fallen asleep.


"Kyle," I heard someone whisper. "Kyle," a finger prodded my face. I twitched as I lazily opened my eyes.

As soon as I saw her, I smiled. She smiled back.

"Hey, what's up?" I croaked. She shrugged.

"Why did you sleep here?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, I'm sorry," I smiled sheepishly as she said it, but she laughed.

"Fine, but that's the only time," I pouted, she laughed and slapped my chest.

"What's the time?"

"12 in the afternoon," I looked at her with wide eyes. I had never slept that long.

"Wow," I breathed, confused. I was never much of a sleeper.

"Kyle?" She asked, grabbing my attention a few seconds later.


"Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Way to ruin a moment," I said playfully as I laid myself beside her. "But the answer is no, I haven't had a real girlfriend since I was like, fourteen," I stated truthfully.

"Really?" I nodded in reply. "Who was that girl who picked you up the first time I saw you?" I hesitated before replying.

"That was a girl I was.." I trailed off, not wanting to say anymore, her eyes told me I had no choice. "Having sex with," I replied sheepishly.

"Oh," she muttered.

I didn't reply, I didn't know what to say.

"It had been on my mind for a while," she shrugged, like it was no big deal, and it wasn't.

Suddenly, the phone went off, it was Cali's. She got up and answered it.

"I don't want to come home," she muttered angrily. "You can't just go ordering me about!" She hissed.

"Who is it?" I asked while I propped my head onto my hand. She took the phone away from her ear.

"My mom," she replied. I shook my head.

"End call," I said, Cali hesitated but nonetheless, she ended call. She let out a sigh.

"You're turning me into a monster," I smirked.

"Well, who's to say you weren't a monster before you met me?" I winked She giggled before making her way onto the bed again.

Just as we were about to get comfortable, the door bell went. I got up to answer it, but a small hand stopped me.

"What if it's my mother?" She whispered. I shook my head.

"I'll tell her you're not here," I replied reassuringly. She nodded before I made my way to the door.

As soon as I opened it, Linda came into view. Cali was right, it was her mother. Her face was painted in anger.

"Where is my daughter?" She asked. I shook my head and shrugged.

"I don't know, Linda," I lied.

"Yes you do! I bet she is here, fucking you and acting like a slut!" She hissed. "Cali if you're here get down now!" She yelled.

I took hold of her arm and pulled her further away from the door in anger. I was ready to explode. Who did she think she was?

"Listen here, Linda, you say anything like that again about Cali and I will ruin your life quicker than you can say the word slut. Cali is a virgin. Take more notice in Tammy, you have no idea what she is like," I said menacingly. "Now I suggest you go back home and wait for Cali to get home, even though, if I was her I would never return home to a mother like you," I continued in the lowest of tones. I even scared myself. My body was shaking with anger.

I turned around and marched to the door.

"This isn't over, Kyle! You won't get away with this!" She yelled.

"Watch me!" I barked before slamming the door.

I put my back against the door while I calmed myself down. I was seeing red.

"Is everything okay, Kyle?" I saw the beautiful girl make her way downstairs.

"Everything's good," I smiled as I looked into her eyes.

"Was it my mom?" She looked scared, petrified even. It broke my heart.

"No, it was the wrong house," I lied. I had to, I would do it to keep her happy.


Here you go guys! Kyle's point of view!

Please vote on behalf of Kyle, I think I fancy him;) wish he was real in all honesty!

Love you guys you're amazing!!!

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