Make Greece emo again

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It's that time of the year tsoureks

The beautiful time when classes around Greece elect five people to represent them as Class Councils

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The beautiful time when classes around Greece elect five people to represent them as Class Councils.

Which, if you remember from the first book, usually has a hilarious outcome.

But for me it was an awful day.


Because I was a candidate.

Well fuck.

I mean I had never run for these kind of things because no one would vote me.

(Side note: Is it 'no one' or 'noone'?)

But the thing is.....

I actually got fourth place.

For some reason.

People actually voted for me....for some reason.

I dunno what the fuck happened there.

Or what do they even expect me to do???? Bake cookies??? Have Panic! playing in class??? Make them watch Class???

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