Chapter Three

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           I crack my eyes open and I see a large hand right in front of my face. It's bearing a cool, wet washcloth that it places on my forehead. I try to swallow, but my throat is so dry....

          "Water," I croak. I open my eyes all the way and I see Maxon's face above me, looking worn out and tired. Lucy, Anne, and Mary scuttle over bearing water, broth, and a new pillow for me. Mary moves the washcloth off of my face and expertly places her hand on my forehead.

           "Her fever has broken!" she announces. "And Lady America is awake!" I hear sounds of thankful crying throughout the room. I try to turn my head, and I catch a glimpse of my mom, dad, May, and Gerad. My maids pour me a drink of water and I sip it slowly. My mom rushes over.

           "Oh my gosh, America!" she sobs. "Thank goodness! I thought I was going to lose you!" She rushes away, crying. May comes over next.

           "Ames, don't you ever do that again!" she scolds me. She runs off to comfort my mom. Gerad trots over.

           "I'm glad you're okay." he says softly. "Get better soon please." My dad comes last.

            "Kitten, we were all so worried about you. Rest up. We'll leave you and Maxon to have some alone time." He smiles and winks at me, ushering my family out of the room with him.

           "Maxon?" I ask weakly.

           "What, America?" He asks. "Are you okay?"

           "Yes, yes. I'm fine." I reassure him. "Could you help me sit up?" He looks concerned.

           "I'm not sure this is a good idea." He says cautiously. "I mean, you just woke up..."

           "Maxon, I'm fine. Please." I beg. He relents warily. He tenderly lifts me up like I'm a fragile china doll. He rearranges my pillows and sets me down. Then Maxon goes over to my windows and opens the blinds, letting in the daylight. I try to lift my hand, but I can't. I feel weak, so weak.

            "Maxon, what's happened to me?" I ask. He turns around and I see tears in his eyes. His voice breaks as he talks.

           "America, you've been sick. So sick. For a month. We couldn't get you to wake up. We all thought you would die. So we called your family up. Kota wouldn't come, and Kenna is almost to her due date. She and James couldn't travel. America, I was so worried." I reach out to touch his lips. He catches my arm. "No, shhh. Rest up." He stands. "I'll come back later this evening. Sleep now." He walks out of the room.

           Immediately, Mary, Anne, and Lucy rush in. "Guys, what's wrong with Maxon?" I look at them. They pause and stare at each other. Mary sits on my bed, Lucy and Anne right behind her.

           "Lady, he didn't sleep night or day while you were sick. Every opportunity he had, he was by your bedside, caring for you and pleading with you to come back to him. He took your sister for a few walks around the palace now and then to keep her happy and her spirits up, but most of his attention was on you. It was obvious how much he loves you." My mouth drops open. Maxon would do that for me? I start to say something, but my maids hush me. The feed me some broth and tuck me in my bed again. I feel myself drift off to sleep.

            I wake up later to a doctor's touch. He prods me cautiously. "What?" I mumble. He sighs, relieved I'm awake. Maxon sits next to him. Out in the hallway, I can see Aspen eavesdropping.

            "Lady America," the doctor begins. "You've been overworking, overstressed, and overtired. You fainted from exhaustion in the safe room during the last rebel attack and your body simply collapsed. You went into a comatose state, with extremely high fever. My advice is to rest up and avoid wearing yourself out like that again. I have some sleeping pills to help you rest, but take them only if you are having trouble sleeping. I also have some pills to help keep your fever down for you to take until you are fully well. Prince Maxon has kindly volunteered to be the one to give them to you daily. Finally, I want you to stay away from all social gatherings and strenuous activities for awhile. Prince Maxon has requested one exception to this rule, for this Friday evening's Capital Report."      

        The doctor's face is disapproving. "I have granted permission, since all of Illéa has been following your sickness. My one stipulation is that you remain off your feet as much as possible and leave should you get worn out. Any questions?"

         "What day is it?" I blurt. Completely unrelated, but a necessary question.

          "Tuesday, Ames." Maxon responds gently. The doctor smiles at me and hands the pills to Maxon. Then he quietly tiptoes out of the room and shuts the door behind him. Maxon and I look at each other adoringly. He spoons up some broth and places it in my mouth. I swallow obediently, scalding my throat.

           "Maxon, I'm so sorry..." I begin, looking at him.

           "Shhh, America." He soothes. "I know, you didn't mean to get sick. It's not your fault. It's all okay now." He places another spoonful of broth in my mouth. Maxon smoothes my hair across the soft pillow and caresses my cheek.

           "Goodnight, America." He whispers. I don't hear him. I am already asleep.

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