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The hum of four vehicles could be heard throughout the distance of the long woods, the long stretch of pavement going off for miles upon miles of land. Then the four iconic vehicles could be seen, speeding along the long stretch of road. A bone white beat up dodge truck, something you'd see in an eighties styled greaser film with it's back rim barely hanging on for dear life. Then came along the large roar of a summer's night black mustang, the exhaust coming out looking like the inside's were on fire and fighting for their dear existence. Next appeared a cherry red motor bike, the bike appeared to have seen better days having some leather missing from the seat of the loud, almost life like, bike. Then came along the amusing sound of a puttering but somehow keeping up, green old Chevy, like something you'd see in a sixties film, the green appeared to be based off the colours of pine needles, a really dark green with a bone white roof and hood. The four vehicles could be seen racing amongst one another, almost as they were a pack of horses in the forms of cars, for most, it would be an odd sight, yet no one was here to encounter these all theatrical vehicles of power and respect. Off in the distance could be seen an old gas station, the paint chipping off the wood, the red 'Gas and Grub' sign could be visibly rusting from constant attacks from the weather. The vehicles would pull into the gas station, each going into the dirt area patch at their own pace, the mustang and motor bike racing in, while the older classic cars took their time. As each drove in, they all came to a halting stop, a screech on the brakes for the two classic cars due to the age of the beauties. Then the Old green Chevy's driver side door opened, with it a brown haired male wearing a gas mask with two separate filters. He spoke with a distorted voice of dread and sickness "It's time."

(Hey folks, it's me, I decided to give you this new sneak peek of my new book, The Four Horsemen, unlike my others, this will be updated constantly, until then, Ciao!)

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