Chapter 13 : Reading Jeff's diary

Start from the beginning

And I was absolutely paranoid about the whole police thing.

But I just pushed all those thoughts to the back of my mind. I can't think about it or I'll get worked up. 

"Emmy! Jeff! Dinner!"

It took a minute for Emmy and I to sit up. We didn't feel good, and the medicine made us so tired.

She held my hand as we walked out to the kitchen. We sat next to each other at the table. Her mom gave us bowls of soup.


Jeff POV

I changed into my pjs, and then slipped into bed beside Emmy. She had her voice back a tiny bit. But her voice was really scratchy.



"How was everything at the police station earlier?"

"Um... I don't know."

"Did you tell them about your dad?"

"What do you mean?"

"That he hits you?"

"No! Why would you think that!?"

"Jeff... Did you tell the police the truth?"

"He doesn't hit me!"

"Yes, he does, Jeff!"

"Why would you think that!?"

"Because I read it in your diary!"

"W-what!? Y-you... N-no..."

I started trembling. I ran out of the room to the bathroom, and locked the door.

"Jeff! Jeff, please open the door."


"Jeff, I'm sorry. Please come out so we can talk."

I didn't answer. I feel so vulnerable. She read my private stuff! I didn't want her to know all that! I don't even know what she read and what she didn't. 


Oh god, she's crying. 

I opened the door. Between crying and being sick, she looked like a mess.

"Jeff, I'm so sorry."

I took her hand, and pulled her back to our bedroom. We sat down on her bed, and I hugged her. I can't deal with crying. It makes me feel so guilty inside, and it gives me this awful feeling in my chest. I literally can't stand her being like this.

"Please stop crying," I whispered.

It was making my heart break.

She kept her arms around me super tight. 

"Jeff, I'm so sorry. I just wanted to know what was going on. And I didn't want to ask you because I didn't want to make you upset. I care about you so much, and I just wanted to understand what happened so I could help."

"It's ok... It's just... I'm still trying to adjust and process everything that's going on. It's so hard right now."

"I know... Is there anything I can do to help?"

"I don't know... I don't know what would help right now..."

We pulled apart. Emmy took my hands in hers. 

"Anything you need, just tell me, ok?"

I nodded.

"I think something that helps me feel better is when we're together. I just feel better when I'm not alone. I was usually alone at home, and I just feel better when someone's with me."

"Well we've been together since you got here."

"I know. And it's really helping keep me calm."

"Do you want to talk about anything? Maybe the police station?"

"I was scared out of my mind there."


"They wanted to question me."

"Did you tell them the truth?"


"Jeff! You have to! It's the police!"

"I didn't really lie to them... I just refused to answer any questions, and one of the police officers said I was allowed to not speak because it's my right. So I didn't."

Emmy sighed.

"I just want to go home and have things go back to normal."

"But Jeff, why? You get hit. Why would you want to go back and live with your dad again?"

"Because I don't want to get taken away from my mom. I've managed to deal with everything from my dad up until now. So it's ok."

"Jeff... I don't want you to go back and get hit again. You've got bruises all over yourself still."

I felt my breath hitch, like I was going to start crying. But I just fought back my tears.

"Can we just stop talking about it for now? I want to go to bed."


We got into Emmy's bed. 

"You're sure you're not mad at me?" Emmy asked.

"I promise. You're my best friend. Of course I forgive you."

She shut off the light, and we laid down under the blankets. Emmy laid her head on my chest. I put my arm around her. And we fell asleep like that.

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