Chapter 1 : "Dear Diary"

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A/N : Now... I know I have a bunch of unfinished books at the moment... But I'm going to finish them eventually! I promise! I just really wanted to start this book because I have so many ideas for it. Now, I'm not going to make Jeff too horribly tortured, like I seem to do in my other books. Not yet, at least. He's going to be a little braver, and a little more put together since SOMEONE *cough @lmmonkey119 *cough doesn't like it when he cries all the time. I disagree, and I think it's cute when he's sensitive (so he's still going to cry, just not as much). But since that's what happens in my other books, I'm trying to make this one a bit different. But he will still be the adorable little Warbler that Jeff Sterling is. On with the story...

Chapter 1

Jeff POV

Dear Diary,

I swear, every time I write, I'm crying. And today it's because I got hit. Like a lot. Dad got super mad at me because of my grades. I got a few Bs and B-s. I try hard in school. But it's just so difficult for me. I don't know why I don't understand half of it.

School wasn't great today either. I mean, it's the same thing usually every day. I get notes taped to my locker, I get stuff thrown at me, and a lot of people bully me.

It's ok though. I just try to ignore it. 

The worst thing is when they scare me. Even dad does it. I'm very jumpy, so the slightest thing will startle me. And everyone likes to make loud noises so I jump. It's exhausting.


I looked up towards my doorway. Dad was standing there with his arms crossed.

"Y-yeah, d-dad?" I asked, quietly.

"Get your butt downstairs and do the dishes before I hit you again."

I shut my diary and wiped my tears, determined to finish today's entry later. My diary is my best friend. I tell it everything because I can't tell any of this to my dad or my friends. I don't have any friends anyway. But it's fine because I like to be by myself.

I got down to the kitchen, and started on the dishes. I was super hungry. I haven't eaten since this morning. I had a bowl of cereal, and then I missed lunch because dad doesn't give me any lunch money.

I can just eat when I'm done. Dad puts all my food in one of the cabinets so I know what's mine. There's not much in there. There's cereal, stuff to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches or toast, pretzels, and some koolaid mix. It's not much, but I'm grateful for it anyway.

I finished the dishes, and went to find dinner. I guess dad went shopping today because there were some new items in my cabinet. I had some crackers, a banana, and a candy bar. I was super excited about the candy bar because he almost never gets me candy. 

I made myself some toast, and cut up the banana. I got a glass of water, and went up to my bedroom to eat dinner.

Back to my diary...

Dad bought me candy today. I'm happy because he doesn't usually do that. I have a feeling it's because mom is coming to visit though. He wants to prove to her that he's a good dad. And I mean... he sort of is... kind of... 

I know he hits me and stuff, but it's my own fault, and I deserve it. 

He's a good dad. He buys me food, lets me live here, and buys me new clothes when I grow out of them.

I miss mom though. She left dad when he started hitting me. But I'm not sure that's the main reason. Mom was always away because of work, so that's one thing. And they had a really big fight. I'm not exactly sure what it was about. But ever since then, dad started hitting me and drinking a lot. And ever since then, I've been really scared.

I mean, it's not too bad. Today wasn't even that bad. Sure, he hit me a lot, but he didn't do it that hard. And I'm ok. 


I looked up. Dad was in my doorway again.

"W-what?" I asked, quietly.

"Have you done your homework?"


"Then get your butt in the shower, and get to bed."

I shut my diary. I'm done for today.

I grabbed my pjs from my dresser, and went to the bathroom. Dad sort of micromanages me. It's annoying, but he's making sure I keep up with things.

I turned on the water, and got undressed. I stepped in, and just relaxed. When I'm in the shower, nothing bad ever happens, so I don't have to worry.

I finished up in the shower, not taking too long so I didn't get yelled at by dad.

I quietly went back to my bedroom, and slipped into bed. I shut off the lamp, and fell asleep quickly.

The next day...

Jeff POV

"Jeffrey! Breakfast!"

That's mom's voice!

I shot out of bed, and ran down the stairs.


I ran into her arms. She hugged me tight.

"How long are you staying!?" I asked.

"Only for today. I'm leaving tonight to go to Italy."

I frowned, and sat down at the table. Dad didn't seem too thrilled to see mom here. But he wasn't stopping her, so...

He just lets her visit me. He doesn't really talk to her, and if they do talk, it's fighting. But dad was quiet, so I was happy.

Mom had made me pancakes, and I was super excited. I'm tired of having cereal for breakfast every day. And mom's cooking was always really good.

"Jeffrey?" Mom asked.


"What's that on your face?"


She touched a spot just above my cheek.


"Honey, what happened? You have a bruise there."

She immediately turned to dad.

"Have you been hitting him again!?"

"Mom, calm down. I'm fine," I said quietly, eating my pancakes.

"Next time I come back, if he's got more bruises, I'm seriously going to have a problem," mom said.

"Mom, I'm ok. I promise."

She sighed. But didn't say anything else.

I know she can't take me with her because she has to travel so much. And I really don't want her to report dad to the police because they'll take me away, and I'll never see mom again! I just need to convince her I'm ok. Because I am. A few hits a week isn't too bad. I can deal with it.

"Jeffrey, I want you to go upstairs and get dressed. I'm taking you out today," mom said, once I'd finished breakfast.


I got up, and hurried upstairs. I grabbed some clothes, and changed. I used the bathroom, brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair. And I met mom back downstairs.

"Where are we going?" I asked, following her out the door.

"It's a surprise, Jeffrey."

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