Chapter 11 : Foster home

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Chapter 11


Jeff POV

"Jeff, wake up."

My eyes flicked open. 


"I know. Jeff, you keep coughing in your sleep. I know you don't feel good. My dad is going to drive you home so you can just go to bed, ok?"

Emmy helped me sit up. I felt a bit dizzy, but I was ok. She helped me walk out to her dad's car, and she got in next to me. I laid my head on the window, feeling so tired. Emmy took my hand in hers, and rubbed the top of my hand with her thumb. 

Finally we got to my house.

"Feel better, Jeff," Emmy said.

"I'll try."

"Happy birthday."


I got out, and shut the door. I opened my front door, and immediately heard one of my worst fears. I heard the clinking of beer bottles in the kitchen.

I shut the door as quietly as I could, and started sneaking over to the stairs. 


I froze. This isn't good.

"Y-yeah, d-dad?"

"Get over here!"

I silently walked over to dad. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. And my throat was burning. I just want to go to sleep.

I looked up at dad. I can tell he's drunk. 

"W-what, dad?"

"Get in the living room."

I'm going to get hit! What did I do wrong!?

I walked into the living room with dad following me.

"I told you to do the dishes before you went to your friend's house."

I nodded.

"You did the dishes in the sink, but you never emptied the dishwasher."

I felt my stomach drop.

"D-dad, I'm so s-sorry. I d-didn't mean t-to!"

"Turn around."

I turned around to face the corner. And the hits began.


Jeff POV

I was silently crying in the closet when I heard knocks. But I think it was at the front door. I was hoping it wasn't the police. I knew it wasn't that late. Maybe only like 11:00. I was wondering who was here.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to see Jeff. It's his 16th birthday."

Oh no. It's mom. She can't see me like this!

"Jeff isn't here."

"Then where is he?"

"At his friend's house."

"Well give me the address because I want to see him."


"No? Tell me where my son is right now, or I'm calling the police."

I heard footsteps coming closer. And then the closet door opened, and I saw mom and dad.

"You locked him in the closet!? Did you hit him!?"

Mom and dad started shouting at each other. I started crying really hard. This was my worst fear. 

I tried to just block them out of my head. But then I heard sirens. And they came to my house.


Emmy POV

"Emmy, wake up."

I opened my eyes. Mom was standing next to my bed.

"What's going on? What time is it?"

"It's about midnight. We got a call from the foster place. We're getting someone tonight, so I need you to get up. You need to be ready to show them around and to the bedroom and stuff."


I got up, and went to the living room to wait. Dad was already gone, going to pick up whoever it was from the foster place.

I was so close to falling asleep on the couch when I heard dad pull into the driveway.

The door opened, and dad walked in with his arm around Jeff.

"Jeff! Oh my god!" I shouted, jumping up and running over to him.

I hugged him, and he hugged me back. He started to cry into my shoulder.

"Jeff is going to be staying with us for a little while," dad said.

"Emmy, why don't you take Jeff to bed. It's late," mom said.

I pulled away from Jeff, and took his hand in mine. I took him and his suitcase to my bedroom. I set his suitcase down next to his bed.

Jeff sat down on his bed. I finally got to take a good look at him. His skin had bruises and welts all over. 

"Jeff, what happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it!" He said, crying.

I sighed. He laid down, facing away from me.

"Jeff, I'm so sorry... Do you need anything?"

He shook his head no. I shut off the lights, and got into my own bed.



"C-can you p-please s-stay with me?"

I got out of bed, and went over to him. He scooched over in bed, and held the covers up like he wanted me to get in next to him. So I did.

"Jeff, are you ok?"

"I j-just want you t-to stay w-with me."

"Ok. I'm here. I won't leave you."

I gently wrapped my arm around his chest, and I laid down beside him. I could feel him trembling slightly as he cried. And I fell asleep listening to him.

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