Versus the Dark Night

Start from the beginning


"A monster sucking up energy?" Mark questioned, confused. "Then the one place in town with the most energy..."

'Is Veracity's house!" I exclaimed, suddenly getting worried.

We quickly got back to Mech-X5 and over to Veracity's house. I stood on top of the robot's head and saw that the monster had already sucked the majority of the power out of her house.

The monster looked like a giant mosquito.

"Can you get Spyder's weapons up and running?" Ryan asked his brother.

"The entire control panel is sticky." Mark complained.

"Why is it stealing electricity?"  Ryan asked the logically questioned.

"Why is this control panel sticky?" Mark asked specifically to no one.

"Why am I in this conversation?" I asked, not caring about Mark's problems.

The monster flew into the air and came straight towards us. It forcefully attacked Ryan, but he caught it. Ryan was having trouble, but I formed my proton ring and flew it at the giant bug. The monster flung away, but was still in tact.

'Thank V." Ryan told me.

"Just doing my job." I grinned.

The monster flew back towards us.

"It's coming back!" Ryan warned us.

I gasped as it came right for us again, but Ryan punched it in the stomach. The monster screeched and tried to fly up into the air, but Ryan grabbed it to bring it back down.

"Let's take down.. Bug-osaur!" Ryan exclaimed, then questioned himself on the name. "Bug-osaur? Is that.."

I stood there listening to this stupid conversation.

"Mosquito...dactly?" Mark suggested.

"Inseca..?" Ryan started, but I cut him off.

"How about we just let Spyder come up with the name?" I suggested, slightly peeved at them.

"Alright, let's kill it!" Ryan exclaimed, before jumping up into the air. He was about to smash the creature, but the it used it's proboscis needled to stab the robot.

The robot fell onto it's knees and the giant bug sucked out it's power.

"What the heck?" I breathed out, shocked.

"Ryan!" I heard Mark shout at his brother.

I heard my boyfriend groan, "I'm okay!"

I charged up my energy field and shot it at the monster. It was too late through, the monster had already sucked up most of the robot's power.

I monster got up from the ground flew off.

"Oh no." I muttered and climbed back inside Mech-X5.  Most of power in the robot was gone.

Harris and Spyder came back and had a small generator with a potato inside it. That's Veracity for you.

The generator was still working even after the monster attack.

Harris shut off the generator, "Wow. Still generating power even after the monster attack."

"Can we use it to jumpstart the robot?" Ryan asked Harris.

"I'm not sure." Harris began.


We we screamed startled by Leo's sudden entrance.

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