Meeting Nozomu

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Song- Girls like you- Maroon 5 (Nightcore version)
Yume's POV

I raced back home, with a smirk implanted on my face as I reached the cabin. After I entered Laura yelled, " WHERE WERE YOU!?"

I answered, " I was taking a jog outside," Laura looked like she calmed down, and told me to at least write a note if I was going out. Then I went upstairs to change out of my sweaty clothes and went back downstairs to meet up with everyone.

As we were walking, I couldn't stop thinking about what happened this morning. I shut my eyes and giggled when I saw Subaru's face. He was trapped and surrounded by fangirls. When I finally opened my eyes, I saw that I had stranded away from my group. I yelled, "Laura! Ako! Mahiru! .....Anybody!?" I finally realized that I was lost.

Nozomu's POV (I bet you didn't expect this)

I walked outside in my blue jeans and my white shirt with a brown vest. All of a sudden, I hear someone yelling for help. I went toward the direction the person was yelling. This camp is very large, so I do understand how you would get lost. I did last year.

Anyways, back to the topic, I went towards the sound of the voice. I went through bushes and saw.... Yume?

Yume's POV

The bushes rustled behind me, and I saw a guy with dark, dirty blonde hair and violet eyes. He looked familiar, but I couldn't remember where.
"W-Who a-are y-you, " I asked, fear evident in my voice.
"My name is Igarashi Nozomu. I'm surprised you didn't recognize me," the guy said.

"Why would I recognize you? What have you done that is so great that I would know about?" I asked.

" I am in a group called M4. Does that ring a bell?" Nozomu asked.

"Nope! I only love S4! I have never heard of M4."

"This girl," he tried to murmur under his breath, but I still heard anyway.

"Anyway, do you know the way back to the cafeteria?" I asked. Hopefully he did know the way back.

"Yes I do. The reason why I came here was because I heard someone calling for help,"

" Really?! Thanks!"

"No problem."

After we got out of there, we said goodbye and went our separate ways. My stomach and I went to the cafeteria to get breakfast while Nozomu went to the Moon Beauty Cabin.

Nozomu's POV

'Yume...what an interesting girl,' I thought to myself. I heard the sound of crunching gravel as my feet led me to my destination: the front doors of the Moon Beauty Cabin.
Hey guys, it's been a long time, but I am back. Updates will probably be at random, but I'm aiming for updating at least once a month. High school is tough and I don't get a lot of free time. Hopefully I will see you guys soon! Enjoy the chapter and don't forget to like & comment on my chapters! Claws Out!- dark-wolf1

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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