our favorite girl || bowers gang imagine

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this was requested by a reader, I hope you enjoy it. I tried to make the whole gang flirt with y/n.

bowers gang x reader

(A little heavy on the reader & Henry)
I sat at the quarry with Belch, Victor, Patrick and of course Henry. They were seeing who could jump the farthest into the water but of course I decided to sit out on this one, primarily because it was dangerous as fuck. They were all in their underwear since they had forgotten their clothes and I wasn't complaining.

"Y/n come in!!" Belch said as I watched from the top of the rock. I frowned and shook my head.

"Quit being such a pussy you brat!" Henry yelled at me and I rolled my eyes. He was always the most harsh to me out of all the guys, if he were ever to even say something somewhat nice, the guys called him soft and he would be even meaner than usual.

"Fine fuck you all." I yelled, throwing my dress over my head , taking off my shoes and jumping in. I screamed as I jumped off of the tall rock and felt the cold water engulf over me.

"See, it wasn't that bad!" Victor cheered and patted me on the back.

"That was terrifying." I laughed pushed my hair out of my face to catch Henry just staring at me.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer Bowers." I smirked at him and he turned red and gave me a nasty look.

"I-I wasn't staring. This bitch is making up lies!" Henry yelled at the other boys trying to defend himself and they all started laughing.

"It's okay if you admit your crush on her Henry. She's so hot." Victor winked at me and Henry splashed Victor, who got a mouth full of water.

"Thanks Vic." I smiled.

"I don't like her. You guys can have her." Henry said with a rude tone.

I frowned internally. I would never show vulnerability around these guys, I would never hear the end of it.

"That's a little rude,Henry." Belch said as we awkward just stood in our underwear staring at each other.

"I don't give a fuck." Henry said quickly getting up out of the water.

"Y/n, I think you're beautiful. Don't listen to what Henry says, something crawled up his ass and died." Patrick said and Belch and Victor agreed. I let out a big smile, I'm so glad I had 3 good friends.

"Should someone go talk to Henry?" Victor questioned looking at all of us.

"I am for one not, I don't feel like having him pull his knife on me again." Patrick said averting his eyes to the side.

"I'll go talk to him." I sighed, realizing no one else was going to.

I got out of the water, completely forgetting I was in my underwear and I turned around and saw their mouths wide open.

"Holy shit." Belch commented looking me up and down.

I rolled my eyes and turned around, walking away, with an extra sway in my hips.

"Bro I have boner." I overheard Victor say as I walked away... gross.

"Dude what the fuck!" Patrick shouted, slapping Victor on the back of the head.

Within ten minutes I found Henry at the top of the rock, smoking a cigarette.

As I came into his view he looked me up and down and just looked away, without saying a word.

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