Chapter 4

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         They ran through the woods that was at the back of the prison. They finally stopped when they were back at Crystal Valley. Pearl panted, trying to catch her breath, then finally dropped to the ground, rolling around in the soft grass.

"Oh-my God. So-soft," Pearl groaned. She wanted to lay on the grass forever, until Jacob finally pulled her up.

        "Pearl! Focus! We have to keep running. The jail guards will notice that we're gone. They're going to search all of Arminstia for us. You're a Gemini, so people will notice us even more!" Jacob said hurriedly.

       "Jacob," Pearl said soothingly, "Calm down. We need to rest. We can hide in the caves that are in the canyons."

Jacob stared at her, "How did you know about the caves?"

Pearl glanced at him, "I have my ways."

       They ran all the way to the caves at the back canyons, and chose the one that was the biggest and most hidden. They blocked the entrance with a gigantic boulder to make sure that no one else will come in. Once they got in the cave, Jacob found two sticks and started scraping them against each other.

"What are you doing?" Pearl asked.

"Trying-to create-a-damn-fire!" Jacob said with clenched teeth. He groaned and threw the sticks down on the ground.

        Pearl gingerly crawled towards the broken sticks. She rearranged the sticks to make them more spread out, but still touching. Pearl cast her hands out in front of her, facing into the center of the pile.

        "Fire, flame, fury," she recited, loud and clearly. A small fire roared to life in front of her. Jacob saw and walked towards her and sat down.

"I forgot about using magic," Jacob said, embarrassed. "I'll go get some food for us."

        Jacob got up and walked towards the back of the cave and closed his eyes. Five seconds later, a buffet table appeared in front of him. It was filled with every food that you could think of. From sushi to eggs to noodles to ice cream.

        Pearl put her hands in front of her and a large booth appeared right beside the buffet table. Pearl and Jacob both filled up their plates as high as it can go without making any food fall, and walked back to their booth.

"So, what powers do I have? Well, besides fire." Pearl asked, gently stabbing a broccoli with her fork.

        "Well, I think you have every power known to humankind," Jacob said, while shoving a mini burger in his mouth. "Who knows? The possibilities are endless. Oh, and by the way, you don't have to say something when you're using magic."

        "Oh," Pearl looked down at her food and she caught a glimpse of Jacob's hip. It was getting better. A dark blood stain soaked his pants. Pearl looked back up at Jacob. He was busy shoving cheese rolls into his mouth then swallowing them a few seconds later. He seemed perfectly fine. Pearl suddenly felt the need to take a shower. She looked at her untouched plate and Jacob's almost finished plate. She pushed her plate over to Jacob's side and Jacob looked up at her.

"What are you doing?" Jacob asked.

"Got to take a shower," Pearl replied, "And to get this dirt and mud off of me."

        Suddenly, the fire went out right beside her. She groaned and cast her hands out above the buffet table and thought about a chandelier. A crystal chandelier popped out above the table, and the cave was washed with a burst of light.

        Pearl turned towards one corner of the cave and poofed up a full sized bathroom, complete with golden towels, crystal sinks, and, of course, a diamond Jacuzzi. Behind her, Jacob whistled. "Really glammed this place up didn't ya?"

Pearl smiled. "Go away Jacob. I really need to take a shower."

"Sure thing, boss!" Jacob did a quick salute and walked out, closing the door behind him.

        Pearl sighed and sank to the ground. A lot had happened in the last few hours and now Pearl was trying to make sense of it all. Yesterday, she was just a normal, fifteen-year old girl who got a D on an exam. Now she was a special, magical fourth of a gemstone who had weird powers. Suddenly, she heard a thumping on the cave's entrance and Jacob using a very creative string of swears. Jacob suddenly barged into the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him. Pearl was extremely glad she didn't shower yet. Before Jacob got to say anything, he was interrupted by a deep voice yelling from outside.

"Jacob Sclatte! We know you're in there!"

"Jac-," Pearl started. Jacob cupped his hand over her mouth.

"Shhhh," Jacob whispered, "They're here."

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