Chapter 2

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        While she was falling, Pearl wondered when the portal was going to end and where she was going to end up at until her back hit the ground. Hard. Pearl groaned and sat up, her spine burning in pain. Pearl felt around, trying to find the book that also fell in the portal. But instead feeling a book, she felt something strange. Metal, irregularly shaped, a...key? She stared at the key for a while then looked up to see her surroundings. She saw beautiful canyons and plain valleys all around her. She closed her eyes and rubbed her back to help sooth the pain still lingering on her spine.

"You alright there?"

        Pearl opened her eyes and saw a boy with slicked, brown hair, a slightly tanned complexion, and dark brown eyes. The boy was about 17 or 18. It took her a moment to realize who she was staring at.

"You!" she gasped. "You're the one that was running in front of my house yesterday!"

"And I was the one who pulled you through the portal." he replied.

        Pearl stood up to face the boy. "Why did you pull me through the portal? Why were you running away? What's your name?"

         "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hold it up!" The boy sighed before answering. "My name is Jacob. I was running because I went through the portal illegally and if any Arians saw me, I would be immediately be sent to prison. One of them saw me, so I ran."

"What are Arians?" Pearl asked, curious.

        "Arians are the people who live in Aria Central," Jacob explained, "And, I pulled you through the portal because," Jacob paused for a dramatic effect, "You're one of the missing Gemini."

        "What do you mean I'm one of the missing Gemini? What even are Gemini?" Pearl asked, thinking that this might be some sort of trick someone was playing on her.

        "Long ago, when Arminstia was still connected to the Earth" Jacob explained, "there was a rare gemstone that wielded great power. Powers everyone dreamed of having. Many thieves tried to steal the gemstone, but they failed. When the Queen found out that Earthen thieves were here trying to steal the gem, she broke the gem into four pieces, turned the pieces into humans, and sent them out to the Earthen world. The Queen destroyed every connection between Arminstia and Earth, only leaving four portal keys, two on Earth and two in Arminstia.  Legend says that the Gemini should still have some of that magic. And now it's time to find the rest of the Gemini, and bring them back together."

        "I'm a Gemini?!" Pearl asked, "But how do you know? This must be some mistake. I am just a normal human being. I don't have any powers!"

        "The first time I saw you," Jacob said, "I knew you were a Gemini right away because all of Gemini are more beautiful than anyone else. Also, you can see differently than a human. For instance, the book you were holding was disguised so that no human would see it as a portal key."

        Pearl thought about this for a moment. Then she realized that everyone that has passed by that book, has walked by it without taking a second glance at it. Then she suddenly realized something.

"So.... I'm adopted?!" Pearl almost screamed. "How could they not tell me this for 15 years!"

        "I'm guessing that your parents have been reading a lot of 'How to Deal with Adopted Children books'" Jacob joked.

"Oh, will you shut up, Jacob!"

"Sorry! I'm trying to make you happy here, alright?" Jacob backed away.

Pearl sighed. "I'm sorry Jacob, but I'm just mad at my parents for not telling me I was adopted."

        "Don't worry. I was like that when my parents sent me away to the Arene Mountains to live by myself."

"Oh. I'm so sorry."

Jacob give her a small smile, "Nah, it's fine. Speaking of which, what's your name?"

        "Pearl," she replied, shoving the portal key in her pocket and looking all around her. To her right, she saw great, vast valleys that stretched endlessly. To her left she saw dozens of sandy canyons. She turned towards Jacob. "Where are we?"

"We are in Crystal Valley. Almost no one comes here anym-"

        A gunshot interrupted Jacob. The bullet hit Jacob on his hip. Jacob fell, groaning, clutching his left hip. Startled, Pearl turned around and saw a man pointing a gun at Jacob. The man smiled and said, "Hello Jacob. I've finally caught you."

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