He's giving me a fucking headache. Or maybe that's the bourbon.

Really it's all her fault.

I blow out a breath, rubbing my temples, but the throbbing continues.

I need answers. I need to know what the fuck is going on.

"Do you think..." Come on man, just say it. It's just a name. I clear my throat, gathering my courage. "Do you think Kat is okay?"

"Who?" His face is just begging for my fist.

"Fuck you." I can't handle his shit right now. I'm trying to piece together a fucking puzzle in the dark while I'm missing most of the pieces.

And the room is spinning. Okay, that part might be real.

"Woah, woah. Chill out, dude." He holds up his hands in defense, but it only makes me want to punch him more.

I wonder if it's the bourbon making me violent or if I'm really this angry. Maybe I shouldn't drink this shit anymore, just to be safe.

"Sorry, dude. Thought it was just drunk rambling. Tell me what you're thinking." He looks genuinely interested, but it only annoys be more.

Yeah, right. Like I'm going to say anything now. "Just forget it."

"No seriously, tell me." The look on his face makes me wonder if he knows something, but he would have told me, right?

"You know like... how she is sad. What the fuck is that? Unless Red was lying, but she doesn't give a shit about me or my feelings, you know? So then why would she dump me and be sad about it? If Red isn't lying, then something is up. Right?" Shit. I think I see what he means about drunk rambling.

"Ness isn't lying. I've seen Kat myself. She's barely leaves the room. If its not you, then something is seriously wrong."

"You've seen her?" I don't know why I feel betrayed. Of course he's seen her, he's dating her roommate. But it still hurts to know she'll see him, but not me.


"Well yeah, just when I go to get Vanessa. She doesn't talk to me or anything. Just lays there, staring off."

What the fuck? Did something else happen? Maybe someone died? Her mom is already gone and she wouldn't be that upset over her dad, would she? Her sister, maybe?

Shit. Something definitely happened.

My brain is trying to go faster than I can keep up. Fuck. Why did I drink? I can't focus like I need to.

Something is up, I just don't know what.

"Yeah, bro. It's weird." How is Nate responding to my thoughts? Shit, did I say that out loud?

I must be really drunk.

"Yes, you are." He's laughing. Jackass.

"Fucking stop answering my thoughts. It's freaking me out." I lean my head back against the leather headrest behind me. Staring at the ceiling isn't helping.

Shit. I need to see her. I need to know what's wrong. It must be something really bad.

"So, what the fuck happened? Did you knock her up or something?" His face is completely serious, but mine must look like a cartoon character with my eyes popping out of my head.

"What?" I can't stop the laugh that bursts out of me. It physically hurts, since I haven't used these muscles in months.

He at least has the decency to look a little embarrassed. "Well, it's all we could come up with."

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