Chapter 13

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September 1, 2005


Same day


I take a deep breath, preparing myself for the worst. "Well, I dated David."

Before I can finish explaining, Ben cuts me off. "Who's David?"

"Mr. Gulso's first name is David. We actually broke up the day I met you. I didn't realize at the beginning that he was a teacher here, but once I knew, it was too late. I also didn't realize what a manipulative cheater he would be either."

"Okay, but why did he come to your room now?" You would think he heard all of this already, unless that's the point. He wants me to say it out loud, for some reason.

I try to keep the sarcasm out of my tone, but it seeps in. "What? Nate didn't tell you?"

"Oh, he told me everything, I just want to hear it from you." It looks like I was right. Stupid jerk face.

"Okay, fine. He came here trying to get back together." This is so dumb. I feel like a five year old.

"And?" His smirk annoys me. He's still really hot, but this time it makes me want to hit him.

I sigh, annoyed that I have to spell it out for him even though he already knows. "And nothing. I shot him down because I love you more than I ever loved him."

"Really?" He doesn't seem to believe me. "That's all that happened?"

"Yes." I cross my arms, feeling the need to be defensive rising up within me.

"You had an ex in your room and nothing else happened?" Is he being serious right now?

I scoff. "You had an ex in your room, are you saying you couldn't keep it in your pants?"

"What? No! That's... different." The look of shock on his face is almost comical.

"How is it different? Is it because I'm stupid? Naive? A vulnerable helpless little girl?" My annoyance rising as the image of myself as a helpless princess locked in a tower invades my mind.

"No!" He huffs, as though he has any right to be annoyed.

"Then what?" I fling my arms out, exasperated.

"It's just..." He sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You've been with him."

"Oh." I shudder at the thought. "Well, I guarantee that will never happen again."

"Okay, good." He blows out a breath. "That guy is a total tool." He chuckles, relieving some of the tension in the room.

"I know." The laughter bubbles out of me, now that the stressful part is over.

"So..." He hesitates, looking very insecure.

"So?" I mimic his serious tone, but can't wipe the smile off my face.

He clears his throat. "Where do we go from here?"

Well, I wasn't expecting that.

I lean forward, lowering my voice. "Well, we could go to your place?"

He chuckles. "That's not what I meant."

"I know, but it's a little more private there." I hope he understands my subtle hint.

"Private? There are people everywhere!" Of course he didn't get it.

"Yeah, but you have a room to yourself. With a lock." I raise my eyebrows at him, hoping he gets the hint.

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