Basements escape.

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She pulls into the parking, leaving the engine and her door to her car opened. She rushes toward the cafe, and finds the front locked. She rushes out toward the back, and sprints down the alley to the back door. The door was slightly cracked, the chain which held the broken padlock, sways in the slightly windy air.

She squeezes through the space between the door, and is found looking around a dark storage room. She feels around, and flips the switch. The light comes on, then bursts. Throwing glass on the floor. She goes back to feeling around, and finds a door handle. She opens it, and turns the light on. She looks down into a dark basement, and as she tries to adjust, something, or someone knocks her down the stairs. She tumbles down, and slams hard on the bottom of the steps.


She looks around, and her vision slowly clears. She sees a chair, one that did have someone tied in it, now sits empty. She gets to her feet, and climbs to the top, only to find the door not budging.

She pounds on the door, and turns back, heading back downstairs. She sees a slip of paper, sitting in the chair. She cautiously walks over to it, and unfolds it.


She looks around for a way out, and sees a square window, just big enough for her to fit through.

She grabs the chair, and slams it at the base of the window, shattering the glass. She quickly pulls herself up, and through the crack. Once outside, she circles the front of the cafe, and gets into her car. She would have to help the young couple, she prayed they still be alive.


'Officer Penny Weathers, chief deputy'. The plate on her desk said. She sipped in some 'caffeine janes' coffee, and receives a call over her radio.

'unit one, come in. Over". She pushes the dial, and responds. "Unit twenty three, this is one. Come in". She waits for a response.

'strange activity reported over by "Owen Creek. Suspicious figures seen at the old 'Harris's cottage'. Heading to investigate. Over".

"Copy". Then radio silence.

But something felt odd..
Not right...

She opens up the files on last years murders, and the murders ten months ago. And then she saw something that was out of place.

Parker, in one of the pictures. A picture if the Harris family picture.

He was a Harris

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