Late shift.

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He sat in the classroom, working the late shift. He shifted through a pile of tests, and split them from the ones he already grades, from the ones he hasn't yet.

'Mr. Campbell' is written on a name plate, set neatly on his desk. He was agitated because, even with the curfew set, he was suppose to be at home, drinking a bottle of scotch with his wife, and try to drink his life problems away.

A noise brings him back to reality. A faint clanking, coming off toward the gym. He stands up, annoyed it might have been one of the trouble starters that seems to break in now and then, and puts vulgar graffiti on the walls.

He walks down the hall, until he reaches a set of double wide doors. Glassless, but could still see a faint light within. The first set of doors he tried didn't budge. But the second opened, probably because the janitor forgot about them.


The 'EXIT' sign gave off a low, dainty glow. At first glance, the gym seemed empty, But as he was turning to leave, a clanking sound turns his attention upstairs.

The gym had two floors. The first floor was the basketball court used for games. Upstairs was the exercise room. Tredmils and other equipment is upstairs.

He cautiously stands at the foot of the landing, ignoring the banners from the basketball game the others night, which made a odd tapping sound when hit against the bleachers.

He shrugs, and turns back to be face to face with the giraffe mask. He staggers back, and falls on the stairs. He groans, and quickly gets to his feet, and dashes up the three flights of stairs. The figure close behind.

He gets to the top, and closes the door. He grabs the keys from his pocket, and though shaking, manages to lock the door. He then quickly scurried into the equipment room, where tarps hang around for renovation. A new section of the floor was to Be replaced. The upstairs 'EXIT' sign flashed ominously. Sending horrific and odd shaped shadows around the room.

He tries to be as quiet as possible as he shifts between the hanging tarps. As he checks behind him, the figure rushes out from behind one of the tarps, and grabs ahold of him.

"You let me go! You let"... The figure slams him halfway through the window that looks down to the 'court', and glass settles on the floor. He lets out a sob of pain, as the killer grabs a hold of one of the banners wires, wrapping it around his neck, and then tosses him over.

There's a loud snap of his neck is heard, as the wire extends to its limit. Feet dangling a few feet off of the floor. His face is gaped in fear, mouth ajar, and eyes wide.

The figure stares down at him, and swiftly disappears within the darkness.

Aren't You Glad I Can Keep A Secret; Redemption!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora