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Nina was making some coffee, when her phone vibrated. As she saw Trenton sent a text.

"Mrs Rudder is dead". She felt a sickness in her stomach. Why her? She never harmed no one.

She puts the phone on the counter, and groans. She goes back to making her coffee, and her phones rings again. She expected to hear Trentons voice. But instead it was Someone else's who brought the reality of her past, back to life.

"Hello Nina. Long time, no talk". She knew that voice anywhere.

"Mr. Harris"? She was confused. "Why are you calling me"?

"We need to discuss a few things. Perhaps you could meet me at 'Caffeine Janes'? Its kinda important".

"Yeah I can. Just give me twenty". She hangs up, and gets set to leave. She walks out of the house, keys in hand, when Her phone, yet again, rings.

"Hello"? She questioned.

"Hello, miss Cortez, I presume"?

"This is she".

"My name is sheriff Raymond. I'm with the Rockheart sheriff station. I was wondering if you were free to answer a few questions dealing with Mrs Rudder. Do you know her"?

"Yes I do. What's this about".

"Please come to the station". He hangs up. And she is left in silence.


Hayden walked into the grocery store her aunt owned. She worked partially there with her. Helping her run it.

"Hey Deedee". Her real name was Debra, but Deedee was her nickname.

"Hey dear, get started on check out seven". She motions toward the empty check out line.

"Sure thing". She gets to the check out, and flips the light to 'open'. Not long after, customers storm her checkout.

It was going to be a long night.


The station was lined with officers in blue and white police uniform. Some working on computer work, others gossping over a hot cup of coffee.

She went to the front desk, and asked for Mr. Raymond. The lady at the desk motions her to follow. The moment she met Tra comes back to her in a moment of Deja vu. She stops to get a breath.

"Miss, are you ok"? The woman bends down next to her, And holds her hand in assurance.

"I'm fine. Just got a little winded". She continues on to a door, with Camden "Cam" Raymond written on the glass.

"He's in there. He's been expecting you". The desk lady points to the door.

"Thanks". She goes in, as the desk lady walks away.

Aren't You Glad I Can Keep A Secret; Redemption!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat