Winterspell (Savior)

Start from the beginning

Why does fate scowl at me? Did I do something wrong? Is this some sorta punishment?

Soon more wolves joined the first and they started their advance even though I wasn't backing away.

My thoughts clustered, what did I do to deserve this?

What did I do?

I stepped back but fell.

Pain gripped my arm, the sensation was something similar to being burned.

A hot metal rod being pressed against my arm, forcing me to clench my jaw.

Why does this always happen to me?

"I'm tired of this," I whispered

as soon as the pain started to fade into the cold numb that occupied my arm before.

I won't run anymore.

I stood and took a step towards the pack of wolves.

They had stopped growling, instead they seemed confused.

(No more running.)

"What's wrong?" I taunted. "Aren't you hungry?"

The wind picked up then died carrying leaves and moving my hair to my face as it did. The air was cold, even though it wasn't snowing.

(It worked?) I thought, surprised.

If I do it again, probably this time... They'll leave.

I took two more steps forward and they backed away leaving the first.

"Wolves that don't bite?" I felt stupid for trying to converse with animals, but taunts were just about all I had in my arsenal.

With my right arm as it is, I doubt I could defend myself from an apple.

Hopefully the wolves didn't know that.

The first one seemed slightly bigger than the rest and didn't move when I stepped forward.

It continued its advance, completely ignoring my taunt.

As it stepped closer the fur on it's back stood on end making it seem even bigger. It wasn't growling, anymore but it still appeared to be just as fierce.

(I won't run) I told myself.

I won't run.

We were just meters apart now. It's cold blue eyes locked with mine.

I held my breath.

What now?

Should I have run after all?

My heart thumped harder and harder as the seconds dragged on.

Maybe it was trying to decide which part of me to take a bite from.

(Where is that pervert when I need him?)

Suddenly the wolf sat and then rolled over!

And then again only it stopped during mid roll.

(Huh? )

"You want me to scratch your belly?" I asked still reluctant to believe what was happening.

It's tail went into a wagging frenzy.

I can't believe this...



"Where is the girl," asked a man with an obvious scar across his face.

The man had an array of black plated armor fitted to him. He also had a katana in his gloved hands.

"Answer me!" He shouted.

"I don't know," the person finally responded. "She told me not to follow her."

"And you let her go?!" The man asked "not only have you told her about the secret of our clan, you also let her go with the manuscript!"

He paused as if searching for what to say and then.

"Dylan even though you are a rookie, you know that doing anything to cause failure to your mission or that of your comrades is equal to treason, and is punishable by death, so why have you done this?" The man asked.

"Don't you see?" Dylan asked "Alice is human born, not a ninja and what we did, no, what you did is no different from what her captors forced her to go through."

The man narrowed his eyes "then you'll guard her for the rest of your life? Twenty four seven?!"

"You know damn well I can't, but there are other ways and you know that." Dylan snapped, his hand over the hilt of his sheathed blade.

"I'm tired of your crap," The man stated angrily and then "show me what you've got, rookie!"

Just as the trees and the tent in the back ignited with molten flames, casting a surreal orange through the trees.


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