Epilogue Of Book 1

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That morning, Dr. Baker explained to the rest of the group that we were going to travel to Alaska to go into hiding. Of course they were all devastated when they discovered the colony had been destroyed. We asked what Dr. Baker was going to do while we were gone, and she said she was going to take some time to figure things out. We didn't ask further questions.

She gave us a bag with almost $500 in cash and a single duffel bag with emergency clothes inside for each of us. Then we piled into an abandoned van left by some mutants from Evansby's army. We traveled for a few hours until we were near the Canadian border. We stopped at a rest stop and Dr. Baker ordered us to climb into the back of an eighteen wheeler with a Washington license plate, obviously about to head west. Luckily the cargo was just grocery foods, so we had some room in there.

It was hard to say goodbye to Dr. Baker. I didn't even know how long we were going to be gone, but I figured it might be a few months. She quickly told us to call her on a payphone if we needed her any time while we were gone. Then, she disappeared into the van and drove off. Just like that.

Sitting in the back of an eighteen wheeler that smelled of rotten eggs was extremely unpleasant. At another rest stop, we got into a different eighteen wheeler headed to where we guessed was somewhere far west, that was delivering soda. The smell was much better.

One night while we were in the third eighteen wheeler of our trip, while we were somewhere in Michigan, I sat on a crate of Pepsi's and looked out into a small opening in the ceiling. I thought of how the rest of this trip was going to go, and all the possible dangers we could bump into. It was scary to think about. Yet, I've been through a lot of scary things these past few months. This journey seemed like the beginning of trying to fix the world we lived in. Maybe things would be alright someday.

I yawned, and I went and laid beside Leo in a spot in the corner. He was fast asleep, but I could sense he was dreaming. I grinned to myself and thought I'd take a peek at his dream. I hadn't used my powers since the last battle with Evansby. I forgot about the dull throb I always felt when reading someone's mind.

In Leo's dream, me and him were walking hand in hand in the forest near the site of the Mutant Colony. We were both wearing normal clothes like we did back in the old days when our lives were normal. The mood in the dream was very peaceful and happy. It was nice to know that Leo thought of me while he slept.

Before I finally dozed off to sleep, I read Leo's mind and heard something he said to me in the dream. I smiled and couldn't stop repeating it in my head.

"I know everything will be okay since I have you."

End of Book 1

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