Chapter 27: Surrendering

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Walking to my possible death wasn't something I thought I'd ever experience. Hazel and I had no choice. Either we did what Evansby said, or hundreds of people would be dead after the hour passed. I tried to think of every possible scenario in my mind of what could happen when we met up with Evansby. Almost all of those possibilities resulted in death.

At least I would get to share my last few moments with Hazel. Each time I swallowed, it was like trying to swallow down a huge pill. My heart seemed to be racing with every step. I could even feel Hazel's pulse thumping while I held her hand. All I could do was squeeze her hand tighter, silently reassuring her that maybe we'd be okay.

"Do you remember the way to the clearing?" Hazel asked, breaking the painful silence.

"We just need to follow the smell of gunpowder, I guess," I said. The faint smoky scent of gunpowder and explosives got stronger the further west we walked. We must be on the right path.

I hated how slow time seemed to be going. Part of me wanted to just get whatever this way over with. Yet I also never wanted to find out. But if we didn't hurry to the clearing, we might run out of time. We only had an hour, which is how long I felt we were walking through the woods.

Then that's when I noticed the amount of trees getting smaller. I remembered the first time Hazel and I explored these woods not too long ago. And how I saved her from getting shot, and when I almost broke my back when I was thrown against a tree. This area felt vaguely familiar. I think we've been here before.

As if on cue, the three specific trees began to rustle and wriggle. They slowly transformed into human forms, human triplets. I recalled seeing them before. They were the shape-shifting triplets we came across not long ago. And they still had the same micheivious grins on their faces, like they were waiting to kill.

"Well look what we have here," the girl triplet said, grinning. "The lovebirds arrived just in time for the boss."

"Now I suggest you two follow us to Dr. Evansby's location, or we're going to have to force you," the boy triplet on the left of the girl said.

I didn't want to fight them. It would only make things worse. Quickly, I glanced at Hazel, who's eyes began to water. She was thinking the same thing I was. There was no turning back now.

Still gripping Hazel's shaking hand tightly, I led her forward. The girl triplet grabbed a hold of Hazel's arm, and one of the boys grabbed onto mine. We didn't even try to fight back. The other boy led the way towards the clearing. Towards our death.

The clearing didn't even look like it was apart of nature. The grass and trees had been burned to the ground, and the whole area looked like a circle of plain dirt. Around the perimeter of the clearing were many mutants with gray uniforms. Some had guns, and I guessed the mutants who had destructive powers without gun power stood without any weapons. They were all there to make sure we didn't try to escape.

And right at the center of the circular clearing, stood Evansby. He was smiling with glee more than ever when he saw us. We were like Christmas presents to him. Evansby had a quality about him that automatically made you hate him. Maybe it was that smirk of his.

"Look who's here, everyone!" Evansby said to his army. They all hooted and shouted with excitement in response. Even they wanted us dead.

When the noise from the crowd died down, Evansby clapped his hands together and said, "Thank you for cooperating with us, Hazel and Leo. I honestly wasn't expecting you two to show up this easily. Now that you're here, we can sort out this little deal between us."

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