Procrastinating 101

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Let's all admit that we have been guilty of procrastinating before

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Let's all admit that we have been guilty of procrastinating before. Now, with the guidance of Pusheen, if you are going to procrastinate, you can at least procrastinate stylishly! ;)

1. Sleep! Falling asleep with a blanket and some pillows is simple and plain. So, why not spice up your sleep surroundings? Bring some food and games to elegantly procrastinate from doing your homework! ^•^
2. Doodle on your worksheets! It will let you become a great artist with all of that practice you have done on your worksheets, when you could have been doing your homework. Then, you can use your art skills to make a drawing for your teacher and hope that they won't be angry with you! *crosses fingers, toes, and legs*
3. Play some video games and become the master of all levels, defeating your opponents. You'll be the video game master! It will make you feel on top of the world... that is until you realize that you have an essay due the next day. :/

A/N: This chapter was inspired by icewafflez Thank you for coming up with this brilliant idea! I hope that this was the way that you had imagined it, if not, please feel free to leave suggestions for improvement! Any ideas for future chapters are always welcome and much appreciated! I'm sorry that this was such a short chapter. •-• I love reading your comments, as they always make me laugh. You can help change other's moods from grim to delightful, so use your spirit and unique personality to make others smile, just like you lift my spirits with your sweet comments. The favor will be returned one day and when you are feeling down, someone will help to lift up your spirits. :) (That someone might just be Pusheen!)

Daily saying: Just seeing a cat, it would lead me down the road of procatstination! They are way too adorable that you can't walk past a cat without taking some time to play and cuddle with them! :)

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