"Cupcake, you want to get out of here? Music's changed." Pulse filled her ears as the crowd of Silas students started going wild, including Lafontaine.

"Please." Laura nodded in agreement. Aside from the ever-growing masses, she knew Carm had more on her mind that escape. Her curiosity was peaked.

Firmly, Carmilla took hold of Laura's hand, leading her through the growing crowd of sweating Silas students. A very energized Lafontaine was making Perry dizzy with all the jumping and spinning they were doing. How did Perry not have whiplash?

Finally out in the peace and quiet of the empty courtyard, Carmilla released Laura's hand. Face turned for the sky, she sighed in content. Be that from the silence of the grass covered space or something more, Laura was unsure.

"What are you doing?" She took a few short steps towards the taller girl, trying and failing not to bite her lip over those damn heels that seemed to be glowing in the moonlight.

"Looking at the stars. It's comforting...to think how small we are in comparison. All the lives we've led. People we've been. Nothing to that light."

Laura smirked, taking a glimpse up at the dozens of tiny glimmering stars looking back down at her. At them. She used to think that her mother was a star. But she realized that if that were the case that she'd never know which one was her and could be talking to the wrong person.

"You are definitely a philosophy major," She let her eyes wonder back to the figure turned away from her, "Is that why you wanted to come out here- I mean, aside from the hormone driven crowd of crazy teenagers of course- to look at the stars?"

Carmilla's shoulders visibly moved as she shook her head at the blonde, smiling, "Not exactly. But I'll take a bonus where I can get one."

"So... why exactly are we out here?" Laura's face contorted to confusion.

Carmilla finally ignored the stars above, eyes on her date. Face shaped in joking disbelief; she smiled that Carmilla smile.

"This whole night I've been-. You haven't caught on yet Cutie?" She scoffed.

Her eyes answered before she could even open her mouth to ask Carmilla what she was talking about. The smirk was gone. The joking evaporated. Carmilla stood there, actually shocked. She thought that she had been more obvious than ever tonight. The corsage the looks, the flirting, the touches was Laura really this oblivious.

"You really don't know, do you? You're not kidding," Her hands dropped to her sides, "You don't know what I've been trying to do all night?"

"No. Besides your continuing to try and tease me, I-"

"Wait," Carmilla sighed, taking one step forward, frowning, "You thought that was me trying to tease you?"

Nodding, Laura thought back to all the events of the night. All she remembered was Carm's constant teasing.

"Well, if you weren't teasing me, then what were you trying to-" Her mind began to race faster than it ever had. She looked back through her memories with more detail. Carmilla's nervousness when she made it to the Hollis house. Her quick attitude shift to flirting. The constant compliments. The dance, "Ohhh......."

Carmilla's hands pulled through her glossy black hair as she took a deep breath, instantly nervous. After so long, Laura was finally starting to figure it out. Carmilla had no idea that the realization would affect her so much. She felt like she was buzzing. All she could do was look at the girl with all her emotions on her sleeve.

You look beautiful.

That sentence ran through her mind on repeat as she recalled all the flirting tonight. There was something in the way Carmilla said it.

Just Because I Love You (Hollstein High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now