Waiting for Your Call

Start from the beginning

"The damn nutrinionist will go berserk tomorrow." He sighed, uncrossing his legs. Did i say that i like those legs of his? I really, sincerely do. With a hairless, smooth, milky white skin and nicely shaped legs like his, i often fantasizing about touching them again like i usually did when we're filming. Dang, i do it again. White, get your mind out of the gutter please. He's a guy. A man. Not some girl you can date.

He picks up his glass of beer and drink it slowly. I can see those smooth fair skin moving and gulping the liquid, forcing me to look the other way. Come on, how can anyone resist the urgency to just landed a peck of kiss on that neck? White, he's a boy. A BOY. How many times do i have to tell you fucker?

"I'll just have this. P' can stay with me for a while, right? Are you busy?" his glistening lips doesn't help. Really. Can he just be an ordinary guy with a chapped lips and a rough skin instead of moisted, pouty, rosy, full lips like his?

"P'? what's wrong? something on my face?"

Huh? what? who's talking? the next thing i know our face was already an inch close to one another. I feel my face growing hot and i retreat. I take out some tissue and pressed it into his moisted, pouty, rosy, full lips. "You make a mess here. Let me clean it."

My heart was racing with the same speed as my Porsche on the fast lane. Fuck. Happens everytime. If my manager knows about it he would tell me to stay away from him. We can love all the way on the screen, but we have to stay away off the screen. That's an unwritten rules for us.

And he has to do it again. He took a slice of a water melon and bring it to his mouth, the liquid drips from the corner of his lips because the slice was too big for him. I gulped, and bring more tissue to his mouth.

"You're so careless, Captain." I brushed his lips with urgency.

"Aw..P'.. it hurts..." when he opens his lips i make more mistake by misplacing my finger inside his mouth, and thus the tissue was stuck inside.

"Oh God..sorry. Sorry." My heart goes wild, i just can't seem to do everything right.

His face was beet red, so cute even in the dim light. Am i seeing what i'm seeing now?

Captain's POV

Thump-thump-thump was the sound of my heart beat against my ribcage, so loud i'm afraid everyone in the building would hear. Huufftt..why is it everytime i'm near P'White i can't seem to control my heart?

I close my eyes to control my breath. Meditate, Captain. MEDITATE. Is it so hard to contain that silly thought inside? He's never gonna be yours, moron. He said himself long time ago, that he's into girls. Short girls with long hair and narrow eyes with pale skin. And i'm not one of them. I'll be silly if i think something will change between the two of us.

He asked me what's wrong. I can't believe it. Everything is wrong now. From the momen he met me years ago, from the moment we lock our eyes to this moment. Everything is wrong. I want to get angry with him to come up with that question.

I mean i gave him my first kiss back then. I was never kissed before in my entire life! And he asked me the dumbest question on earth.

That's why i'm a little reluctant when he asked me to hang out with him tonight. We end up sitting without nothing to do or doing the most awkward thing in the world.

Just like now. He rubs a tissue like my lips was somekind of sand grinder. And when i reminded him he actually put the tissue inside my mouth along with his finger! for God's grace, what happen with him tonight?

I admit that i've been busy lately that i don't have time to go with our friends anymore, and i *miss* him so much. But hey, guys don't miss each other that way! we're celebs, and we know how busy we are, so missing is not our part of the deal.

Ok. Let's focus. Focus on him and i. But i actually can't. When i look at him, he came just an inch from my face until i can see his stubborn moustache and stubble on his face. My heart skipped a beat. I'm breathless, and i don't think it's a good moment to do anything.

I waited for him to say anything but he just apologised for what he did. He did what exactly aside from being reckless?

He's the strangest man i know. And he's still so strange now. Why would he wanted to treat me a dinner when we can split up our bills? I rolled my eyes when he asked me that. And now he has to put the food into my plate and force feed me. Dude, i'm not a newborn baby!

My nutritionist will go berserk tomorrow if he finds out i gain a half kilos from over eating. I admit that maybe i go overboard with my diet, but i don't feel comfortable with anyone calls me chubby baby. I'm a man, guys!

There he goes again. He has to take my beer away and replace it with a coke. Doesn't he know that they have the same danger?

"P', please, give me my beer, i'm old enough to hold it."

"You'll get drunk, Noh..."

What did he say? He called me by my character name years ago. I don't know why, but it soothe me like nothing else. His cheeks have that pink hue that indicates he's starting to get drunk.

"I'll be alright, P'. How did you get here? did you drive?"

"No, Arthlees drove me. Too lazy to drive."

"Fine, then i'll take you home. Let's go, P'. "

He started to slur his words. "I don't want to come home, i want to go to your house, Noh."

Again, he call me by that name. Everytime he get drunk, he would. And everytime he calls me that, this heart would flutters again.

How long have we been friends? it seems like forever. I know him inside out although we don't usually hang out together.

"Noh..can i kiss you? I tasted it before..it's so sweet, can i taste it again?" that was our line, and my sadness was doubled folds by his longing expression.

His hands reach out to my cheek, and drunkenly said, "Take care of yourself you moron. I won't always be there to take care of you. If i could..i could..just one more series.." And he kissed me,tenderly,  just like a butterfly fluttering inside my tummy. Just a few seconds, just a peck of kiss, and nothing more. But it was enough for me. I won't have the same opportunity anymore when he's awake, and there maybe never be an opportunity like this again in the future.

"P', if you're sure about your feeling towards me, i'll always be there to answer your call. Always be waiting for you, for us."

He may never hear what i'm saying, it's for a better thing. Better be like this. If we're related, there might be a lot of people going to be dissapointed. And we can't allow it. Because we are celebrities.

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