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Micha tilted her head down in Remorse

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Micha tilted her head down in Remorse. No tears fell this time. Only just a feeling that she had experienced way too many times in her life. She just sighed and looked away and at her hands. She tried to picture the red-head in her head, but her face and personality started too fade away. Only leaving her name Isabel Magnolia. She tried to picture The Ashen Blonde boys face. But his face and stern hatred for her faded away. Only leaving his name. Farlan Church. Shock had gripped Micha, all she could do was stare as Erwin informed her About her friends death.

How Levi had a team now, how she was lucky to be in that team. How She was a lucky person too survive The death of all the soldiers of the 34th Expidition. She shook in place. Rage built in her as her voice came out dark "You-you knew that would happen. . . And you LET IT HAPPEN!" Micha slammed her fist into Erwin's Desk. there was a satisfying crack! As the pressure she put in it gave way. She faced Erwin. Her eyes no longer looked black, but almost dark gray, like storm clouds. It was soo intense that it left Levi, who was sitting beside her, look at something else as he listened too the argument.

   "You bastard" Micha's voice cracked. Her hair was covering the side of her face, making her look like a Dark Angel From The Night. "Do you have any idea what I witnessed out there?! I lost a loyal Soldier, a Friend! Do you even know her name?! A bunch of soldiers died out there! And each one of them is never coming home!" She slammed herself back in her chair as she clutched her head, trying too keep herself from crying. "Isabel and Farlan are never Coming Home!" She looked up at Erwin. "I won't forgive you Erwin. I hope you die one day. I'll continue too be a survey corps, but by God I won't listen to your orders. I'll only listen too Levi, and Levi alone"

  Levi said nothing. He just stared at Micha and Erwin. He didn't say anything as he let Micha rant at Erwin. Knowing how he acted the same way. Erwin let the girl do it. He knew how she was in a  nerve wrecking state. She had witnessed death of the people she loved for the first time in her life, and too only come back from that horror too find out that two more of the people she loved are dead too. Erwin looked down as he let Micha point fingers at him and Yell at him. "Micha" said a monotoneless voice, but soft one.

  Micha stopped ranting and looked to the man that sat next too her. He wasn't facing her, but his blue eyes were rolled over too her. They took in her torn up features and grief strucked black eyes. They then looked over at her bloody hands. "Tch, Brat. Your hands are all bloody and Are filled with splinters" he got up and gently grabbed ahold of Micha's arm. "Erwin, we are excused of any of this until Micha  can control her temper. She's suffered enough" he let the last words be directly to himself then too Erwin.

  "Okay" Erwin said solemnly as he dismissed Levi and Micha. Micha let Levi lead her out of the room and down the hallway of the HQ. "We're are we going?" Micha asked. Levi didn't look at her as he said "first clean your wounds, second Get somethimg to eat, and then Work on your temper" Micha cocked an eyebrow "anything else I need too know?" She asked, a little bit of herself coming back. A small smile appeared on his face "then I need you too meet your team members and then I'm going to work your Ass off till you've dropped" Micha smiled. Knowing that it was the exact Levi she knew and loved.

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