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     Micha layed in her bed, Eyes closed, and humming a little tune she remembered it being sang to her when she was little

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     Micha layed in her bed, Eyes closed, and humming a little tune she remembered it being sang to her when she was little. "If only The Clockwork could Speak, I wouldn't be So Alone, I Burned Every Magnet and Spring, And Spiraled into the Unknown. Somebody shined a light, I was frozen by the fear in me, somebody make me feel alive and Shatter me!, So Cut me From the line, I was killing, Spinning, Endlessly. Somebody make me Feel Alive and Shatter me!" Micha smiled at the song. It's been so long since she had sang it. It's been two weeks since she had been in bed. And during those days, she had been getting stronger and more healthier by the minute. Hanji would visit often, telling her about the titans and what she would expect once she was able to move around better and fight.

   Isabel and the others visited more often. A little in the day, but they spent most of there time in the room with her at night. Isabel, her, and Hanji shared the room she was in. Levi and Farlan were in the one across there's. Micha was moved from the infarmuery and to the room she was in now. And too her relief, tomorrow, she would be able to leave the room so she could join Levi and them. Micha fiddled with her black scarf. Ever since Levi gave it too her, she's kept it ever since. She had never had any valuables in her life, and this was just so precious to her. It warmed her heart too know that someone would make something like this for her. During those two weeks, Levi would visit her without the others and spare with her a little so she could build up her strenght.

  Micha was thankful. But, also not. She felt like she was weak without him. Crazy as it sounded, Micha felt like she couldn't live without him. She felt like if something were to happen to him or Isabel and Farlan, she'd break down. But, in the end, Levi would be there too keep her going. Micha shook away those thoughts. No, I can't think like that. Levi and the others are strong. Escpically Levi. He or Farlan will be able too protect Hanji and Isabel. Micha let that thought settle in as she sat up and threw her legs from out of the covers.

   Micha felt energized and happy. Something she hadn't felt in years. And at the moment, she didn't want too loose that happiness as she walked slowly over to the spot were a fresh pair of black leggings and a long-sleeved white polo shirt lay. Black boots were leaned up against the wall by the desk they were layed near. Micha was going to take a quick shower, grab water and bread, and go outside to were Levi and the others were at right now, training. She couldn't wait to start herself.

   Micha grabbed a towel from the small closet outside the shower room. She was wearing a tank top and shorts. Something she always hated to wear. She had to much to show really. She always got squimish when it came to talking about women body parts. See, she wouldn't even say it. Micha sighed loudly as she opened the shower door. When she stepped in, she put her pair of cloths on the rake that was in there and layed her boots down beside it. Micha then turned to look at herself in the mirror. Her hair was long. About to her waist, her coal black eyes held a spark in her that she had never seen in a long time. Her skin was no longer pale and white, since she and Levi soared outside. It was a little pale, but a pale that suited her. The bags from under her eyes had lifted a little. But to her disliking, she hadn't grown. She only reached the same height as Levi. "Great" she said aloud. "I could have grown a little? An inch?" She said this to herself in the mirror.

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