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Scratching my head, I read the hieroglyphics in the picture again, it was somewhat fuzzy, but Rick sent this to me awhile back, like awhile back-and I've been searching for him to give him what I got so far. From the ancient writing anyways, but that lunatic is somewhere I have no clue about. Somewhere he probably got in just for the hell of it. Or something like that.

I groaned as I stretched, standing now, and started rubbing my numb bum from sitting so long and went to the shower. Taking my shirt, pants off, and kicking them to the side as I started the water. I looked into the mirror getting ready to take the rest of my clothes off.

Staring back into my blue eyes, as bright and deep a color as a sapphire is. But maybe a bit bright, do to my father's side. My hair was black and wavy, going all the way to my hips-where right on my left hip was a large Ancient Egyptian symbol that I've always had. I had a few all over my body actually.

On the base of my neck on my collar bone, the middle of my very lower back, one on my ankle, and two on both of my inner wrists. But, what annoys me and has become my life's pursuit is that I don't know what they mean, I've known how to read many languages and speak them, but these, I'm sure are Egyptian. But I've never seen them before, and that's another thing I'm looking to answers for, and Rick may have them.

I just know the one on my collar bone is a flower, and the one on my hip is a name I've never heard in the ancient history books.

I looked back at what people call a pretty face and finished changing out of my underwear and stepped into the water.

Then, closing my eyes only to have them open to being on a balcony looking out into a vast desert, seeing the Nile and the forestry around it, then the great city Cairo, my hand holding anothers.

I blinked and it was gone, in replacement with water entering my eyes making them uncomfortable and burn slightly. I finish up my shower then head out of my bathroom with only a towel on.

Only to stop to hearing a noise in my kitchen. I tiptoed over to my side table and grabbed a long Egyptian blade, an artifact I found in some of my greatest finds on some dig sites I had controlled myself, and have kept it for myself, as I did find it without the helpers.

I slowly entered into my kitchen and put my knife to the man's throat, like in the movies. My other holding my towel as I roamed the man's body with my eyes, his hair was long and knotted. His skin was grimy and gross, and don't get me started on the stench of this man. I mean, hasn't he ever heard of a bath? Shower maybe?

"Woah...." Said a familiar voice as they put their hands up and turned around slowly to show a bearded man, slightly bruised neck, and the eyes of sky blue stared at me with shock.

"Rick?" I asked as I pulled my knife back cautiously as I eyed him carefully and cautiously.

He smiled that cheeky grin of his. "Long time no see Lo." He said and went to hug me before I stopped him with a raised hand.

"Go take a shower, I'll set some clothes out for you, after all you did leave some here the last time you stayed here, which was what, 3 years ago?" I said raising my eyebrows at him, unamused with him.

He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, about that...." He said as he scratched the back of his head with a dirty hand into his matted hair.

I sighed. "Just go get cleaned up while I get into decent attire, you can tell me where you've been after you clean up Tarzan." I said walking off smirking.

"Alrighty then!!" He yelled to me as I shut my door, and listened to him start the the process of him becoming clean again, cause if he wasn't clean in the next hour or so, I was going to have a fit.

I rolled my eyes at his whistling and I went over to my dresser picking out a night gown, and my under attire for the night. Sighing, I put them on and sat on my bed and started reading as I waited for Rick to finish his long bathroom visit.

About 2 hours later, possible more as I wasn't paying attention to the time, the man I call my best friend came out with a towel around his waist showing his abbs and all that, bleh, thing is, I wasnt really interested. He was more of a big brother to me.

I threw his clothes at him as I countinued to read my book, hitting his face. To which he glared at me as I snickered and didn't mind as he changed right in front of me, as my book blocked all other things I didn't want to see. Rick hopped onto the bed, and I could feel the intense stare he was giving me.

Rolling my jeweled eyes, I sat up putting my book to the side for now. "What?" I asked him.

"Well, aren't you going to scold me for being gone so long?" He asked as he furrowed his brows together in his confusion.

I smirked. "Oh, I will. Just, in a different way, where were you anyway?" I asked him.

"I was in the Cairo's Prison, and was saved from being hanged by a broad by the name of Evelyn Carnahan and her pick pocket of a brother called Jonathan." He explained little.

"Well, what were they doing there in the first place? Though I am grateful they saved you, but why?" I asked crossing my arms, staring deep into his eyes.

"They want me to take them to Hamunptra, the city of the dead. I know where it is. And I know you do to." He said, seriously.

I groaned. "You want me to come with, don't you?" I whined.

He smiled that mischievous and adventurous smile of his. "Yes, thats what I want exactly."

I shook my head and let my rosy lips turn up to show a smile. "Fine, as long as there's nothing going to happen and you guys listen, don't want the dead following me around..."

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