Chapter 4 - Long Intervals of Horrible Sanity.

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"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." - Edgar Allan Poe.

" - Edgar Allan Poe

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Above: Othello.

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Anyway, I hope that you like the chapter and art x.

Lucy and the Steamers.


"I'm cold." Louis stated. He waited for his husband to reply but the only response he got was the glint of the many stars above the Grande Marie and the sea lapping the hull around them. He leant up from the deck they lay on and looked at Harry. "I'm cold."

Harry looked away from the stars to Louis and smiled. "You're always cold, Buttercup. I'd be worried if you weren't." He put out an arm and invited Louis to cuddle up beside him. Louis did as Harry desired and they both lay on the empty deck in silence for a while, looking up at the clear midnight sky and wondering how many stars were staring back.

"I was never cold before." Louis grumbled to himself, "'ts his fault. He did this to me. Bastard."

He spat out the pronouns like he were spitting out fire, and Harry couldn't blame him. Edvard had indeed done this to him, he'd done everything to Louis that made him in any form 'inhuman'. Everything that made him feel less like the person he wanted to be. Louis was not happy with himself, everyone would see it. Whether it be in the way that he closed the curtains once he could see reflections in them, or in the way that he banned mirrors in his bedroom, or even in the subtle way that he'd dispose of certain items that reminded him of his torture.. he was not happy, and he'd never be.

"I love you, Louis." Harry said, "You've not had it fair, but he's gone. It's alright, my Sunshine. No one is left."

"It's just-I get so scared. So scared to love, so scared to trust. So scared that he'll take someone from me.." Louis was trembling against Harry's chest and Harry put a hand over Louis' cheek to calm him.

"Louis, he's gone. He's dead. You are safe. I'm right here, the Steamers are back home, and Othello is in bed."

"Bet he isn't.." Louis grumbled again, sitting up and rubbing his eye with his fist. "Bet he's breaking something or doing something he shouldn't or talking to Erin about girls again."

Harry sat up and pulled Louis to his chest. He squeezed him and kissed the top of his head. Tired Louis was one of his favourite things to see, and tired Louis was especially cuddly.

The little steampunk threw his arms around Harry's waist and cuddled under the warmth of the black cloak Harry wore until he found a small nest of heat in Harry's lap. "When are you going to give him the 'talk'?" He asked, listening to Harry's heartbeat.

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