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an hour earlier

Unknown caller

is this miss Christina Harris?

Yes, may I ask who this is?

This is Rachel from Houston Methodist hospital. We have Debbie Harris here, unconscious. On file it says you are her daughter?

Yes, I am her daughter Christina. what happened?

Your mother seems to have experienced a stroke. Your younger brother Jimmy called urgent care. He was quite brave because he was the only one in the house.

Is there anything i can do? Can i come back to Houston?

Your brother will need to have some kind of supervision or else he would have to go to a temporary orphan home.

I will buy my ticket as soon as possible. Thank you so much for calling me.

You are welcome miss Harris. good luck

end call

When I got that call from the hospital my heart dropped. I tried to hold back the tears when we spoke. I needed to stay strong. My mother was a strong woman and always helped her family, it was my turn to take that role. I immediately called the home phone, in hopes that Jimmy would pick up.

home phone


Oh my god Jimmy, are you okay? who is with you right now? are you by yourself? I'm so proud you called the paramedics all by yourself.

Calm down Christina, I'm okay. Patrick is with me. He stayed when the other guys went in the loud car with mommy.

Tell me exactly what happened.

Well first mommy was reading me Brown bear, Brown bear. Then half of her body limped and she fell over and I was very scared. I called 911 because that's what I learned in preschool. I was scared but i didn't cry. When the people came they put her on a giant blankie and inside a loud car. Bruno was barking really loud too. Then Patrick came and he is staying here until someone comes or when mommy is all better.

I am coming to Texas okay jimmy? Don't be scared. I will be there as soon as possible. Go to sleep now, It's almost your bedtime.

Okay, I love you Christina. Good night.

end call

I burst into tears. I wanted to stay to sort out the problems with Corbyn and Jonah but my family was my utmost priority. They were here when i needed them and now they needed me. I called Hermione over to talk about what happened.


"so that's why I am going back to Houston." I said wiping tears off my face. "Please, let me come with you. Your mom is basically my mom." she put her arm over my shoulder. "What about your studies?" I sniffled. "This is more important. I can share notes with a classmate. Besides I am not letting you go alone."

we spent the next thirty minutes crying together and searching for the next flight from LA to Houston.


"It's all set. We are leaving tomorrow night. Get some sleep Christina, We are really going to need energy for packing tomorrow." she sighed. "I can't believe we are going to be gone for two whole weeks." "Its for the best." I assured her "strokes are very serious and we need to take care of Jimmy and the farm." "why are you always right?" she smiled. "Go tell your room mates. I'm telling Jack then going to sleep." I hugged her goodnight and left her dorm room

"I'm home Jack" I said as I stepped through the doorway. He looked up from the movie playing. "where were you for so long." "Oh, I was just at Christina's. I said trying to hide my puffy eyes, due to crying so much."

"Come here, were you crying? what happened?" Jack sat up and beckoned me over. "I'm going back to Houston for two weeks." I said looking down at my hands. "what?! why?" he stood up. "Her mom had a stroke. I need to help her with her brother and the farm."

I could tell that Jack was very sad but he hid it well. "It's great that you want to help and it's for the best. I'm going to miss you." he hugged me and his curly locks brushed the side of my neck. I felt tingles all over my body and hugged him back.

"I am leaving tomorrow night, don't expect to see me in class. I'll be packing all day." he pulled away. "Good luck Hermione." I left to my side of the room and fell asleep.

I woke up the next morning to find Jack gone from his bed and the sun shining through the curtains. My phone went off. "who's texting me this early?" I mumbled as i rolled over in my bed. I looked at the time and it was 11:24 "Whoa it isn't as early as i thought" I said as i sat up in my bed. I saw that the call was from Christina.


Hey Hermione, I told the girls and they were sad but proud of me. What about Jack?

He had the same reaction.

I've almost finished packing. Have you even started?

Oh gosh, not yet. Can you come over and help?

I'll be there in 5

end call

I stood up and freshened up before Christina came bursting through the door. "Whoa, good morning Christina" I said with a toothbrush in my mouth. "looks like you found a use for the spare key" She smiled and rolled her eyes. "Hurry so we can start, then we can go to lunch. I'm going to tell Jonah and Corbyn." "Okay fine let's go." I said as I finished brushing my teeth.

thirty minutes later

I have finished packing all my clothes and plan to leave my other things here. Christine had also finished and we were walking to Corbyn's dorm room. Christina had told me what had happened the day before, with Corbyn's consent of course. She planned to tell him what happened today and we were nervous to how he would react.

"Hello? Corbyn are you here?" Christina knocked on the door. The door opened slowly but the face was not Corbyn. we gasped, It was...

A/N: Hey guys! I am thinking about writing some IT fan fictions for #FACK or #JYATT. what do you think? should I do one shots or an actual story? Let me know in the comments, it really helps! btw, have you followed me on insta yet? if not you totally should :) its // super.seavey // DM me and we can be friends! thanks for reading, ily guys! peace

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