Chapter 9 : Back home

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...3njoy =)... ( So I'm reading this new book. It's called ' I Need You ' The authors name is MrsCassey. I also like another one her books, ' 12 Rounds ' ) 



I am so excited to go back to Forks and have Sierra back in my arms. Her warmth, it always sent tingles down my spine. Her blonde hair naturally curly, but sometimes my baby would wear it straight. Her smell. Do not get me started with her scent, she makes Beyonce smell like Jerry. I laughed at the thought. And the way she would always walk. Swaying them hips. Her tan skin that would make Beyonce also look like she haven't been in no sun at all. And. Her. VOICE! I would see her lips just moving and moving and moving. But I wouldn't pay attention to what she was saying. That day she kissed me, her lips felt soft and smooth. Like she just put on some fresh lip stick. My life changed that day, I feared what I was in a relationship with. But, when she kissed me. I had only one fear. Loosing her. The moment she spoke to me, I knew she had to be my Sierra. Amy told me that it was all in my head. But I knew it wasn't, she creeped her way into my dreams that night Edward revealed my tiny secret. I don't even want to think about the dream. When we got half way to my queens house, I stopped when I saw Dakota. He looked scared. Like he wanted to get on his knees and beg for us to tell mom to forgive him. But he just had a worried look. I wondered what was up with him. Missing Macy? I thought. His eyes flashed up to look at me and he began to walk towards me.

" Dakota." I said, he stopped right in his tracks. Then I saw something I never thought I'd see. 

He was crying.

" Dakota. " Amy whispered walking towards him. 

" Stop her, he is using a spell to trap her Roshon. " Mom whispered in my ear. I didn't flinch because she did that all the time. I used a telepathy spell to speak to her. Mom held up a shield so Dakota could not be able to hear us. 

" Mom said stop walking, he is using a spell to take you away. " I said. She stopped and stared at me. Then back at Dakota, he starred at me and then looked at Amy. She was walking towards me. Dakota sniffed. Then ran off somewhere. I could care less where he was going as long as he left me and my family alone. That includes Sierra and he her family. 

Amy and I flashed to the Blacks' door. Before I could knock the door opened and Sierra tackled me. We laughed as we flew 10 feet back. I looked into her beautiful eyes and she blushed. I just wanted to land kisses all over her face. But she was being pulled off of me by a wolf. It was huge, it's fur was a reddish brown kind of color. And it looked at Sierra, she ran back into the house and the wolf stared at me. It went behind a bush. The next thing I saw was Jacob walking up to me with blue jean shorts and no shirt. His face looked like he wanted to kill me. As he got to close to me I stepped back a few feet. He put his head to the floor, stuffed his hands into his pockets and smiled.

" Scared? " He laughed. I was quite surprised he wasn't mad that his daughter was on top of me. I nodded and then shook my head no. He smiled.

" What does that mean? " He asked biting his tongue. That meant he had something to say to me, but didn't want to be rude.

" No, I am not scared. " I replied. He ran over to me and got all up in my face. My eyes got big and I leaned back without moving my feet. He laughed.

" No dude, your scared. " He laughed. I smiled as he kept laughing.

" Jacob, stop torching the wizard! " Renesmee yelled at him. I smiled at her, she nodded at me and went back into the house.

" Don't be afraid Shon, but, if you do something wrong. You better think of me as your worst nightmare. " He said with all seriousness. I nodded, WAIT DID HE JUST CALL ME SHON? 

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