Chapter 5 : Sierra and Roshon

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SPOILER ALERT - Renesmee and Jacob are coming out with a movie, and my mother will be getting me the book. ALSO---- There will be a Breaking Dawn part 3 comiing out in November,2014. I CAN NOT WAIT!



I swear, I am in love with Roshon. He and I are meant for each other. But, he is 20 years OLD! Age is nothing but a number. Age is nothing but a number. That's my saying for when I say he is 20 years old.Dad will never accept the fact that I like Roshon. He'll say something like, ' Sierra come on this dude has blonde hair and is 20 years old. ' I don't care. Sometimes the things I want I can never have.

" Why are you so quiet? " Seth asked. I forgot he always slept in the same room with us at night. 

" Nothing. " I murmured. 

" Roshon isn't it? " He smiled. I wish he would just-- UGH! 

" Seth, he's always on my mind. He is like the best head ack. " I whispered. It's like he is the best head ack, and he never goes away. 

" He likes you, you like him why make things complicated. " Seth giggled. Roshon said the same thing.

" What do you think mom and dad will say if they found out that I am dating a 20 year old? Last time I checked, I am still 6. " I laughed.

" And how old was Jake when he fell in love with Nessie? He was like 18, and your mom was 7 " He reminded me.

" Plus age is nothing but a- " Seth started. I knew what he was going to say. 

" I know! AGE is nothing but a NUMBER. " I got so frustrated. 

" You sister is 6 years old. Laying on my chest, sleeping. And I am 36 years old. " He explained.

" But, that's different. You imprinted on her. You guys are meant to be. " I said. Why am I having this conversation with Seth? What does he know? Where's Grandpa and Grandma? 

" Oh Sierra, now I have a head ack. Look, my best advice for you, is to go talk to your parents about this. Ask before you do things your not sure of because one day, someone will find out and your gonna be in TROUBLE. " He said the last word loudly. 

" Seth your such a kid. " I laughed. He was like an older brother to me. 

" I know. " He said. Sleeping was the only thing I could think of at this moment. Seth said something else but I could hear it. My mind fell asleep, my ears and my body. My dream came faster then usual. 


Me and Roshon, walking around and talking. 

" Why are you so scared? " His voice echoed.

" Your 20 years old. I can't love you. But I always will. " My voice echoed too.

" Age is nothing but a number Sierra, follow your heart. " The last word really echoed threw my head. 

" Why does everyone keep saying that, Age is nothing but a number. " I asked.

" Sierra, it's like you said. I am a good head ack. I'm always on your mind. So even when other people sayt ' Age is nothing but a number, ' Your chanting it inside your head. " He answered as he took a step in front of me to pause the walking. 

" Roshon I do love you. Really I do, but we can't be together. I'm only 6 years old. " I thought about my parents.

" Sierra. Your parents are very loving, caring and accepting people. Just ask them if it's okay. Or would you rather us do it together? " His touch sent goosebumps down my spine as he held my waist.

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