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"Pack your clothes and condoms, cuz we're going to Seoul this weekend Jungkook!" Taehyung says when the younger picked up the phone.

"What do you mean?"

"We're going to Seoul, because why not?"

"Dude, I got no money"

"Too bad, since I've already booked a hotel room and my mom asked me kindly to get out of the house this weekend, so I told her I'm going to Seoul, she didn't care"

"Oh fuck, let's go then"

As soon as the two boys finished the last class, they got into Taehyung's car and drove to the train station, since they've already packed their stuff and begged Mrs.Jeon to let her son go with Taehyung.

The ride wasn't that interesting, but it included a lot of cuddling, sleeping, disturbing other passengers and just Jungkook doodling Taehyung, while the other was sleeping. It was especially fun to doodle Taehyung's fluffy hair, or that's what Jungkook thought at least.

"Mom, I wish I had a best friend like that" a little girl had told her mother, which Jungkook could hear, he found it funny, but didn't say anything to the little girl.

The mother's response wasn't what he want to hear "Let's hope they're just best friends, cuz they usually don't kiss each other" she answers, thinking no one could hear her, or the disgusted sound in her voice. Unfortunately, a lot of people could hear her loud voice.

"Excuse me, my boyfriend is trying to sleep, so could you please be a little more quiet?" Jungkook asks the lady, who instantly shut up, when she realized that she spoke so loud that even he could hear her. "Thank you"

"I love sassy Jungkook" a familiar voice says besides Jungkook "Are we there soon?" Taehyung asks the younger, while also hugging the younger.

"I think it's about a hour or two left" Jungkook answers and hug the older, and tired, boy "Also, what about sassy Jungkook? I'm not the sassy type"

"You're the sassy type my boy"

what's life idk

warning: I haven't tried to draw a side view or a kiss in months, so please don't judge, but I got inspired to draw vkook ok

warning: I haven't tried to draw a side view or a kiss in months, so please don't judge, but I got inspired to draw vkook ok

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