Sample chapter 3: The letter

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She didn't know how much time had passed since she had been sprawled on the carpet of her bedroom bawling her eyes out for the same man for thousandth time in the last seven years, time and again.

And yet she hadn't learned her lesson. Had she?
She keep on forgetting who he was and what he did!

He left her alone when she needed him the most.
He left her alone when Joe, their daughter died saying that it was she responsible for the demise of his daughter supposedly, as though it hadn't effected Alisha in anyway.
He forgot that she was the one to give birth to her, alone. That it was her who raised her, and it was she who spend those precious five years with Joe.

There was no Aditya in the picture and so Aditya would never know how much it effected her to see her little princess lying on her death bed in that hospital.

'A pale face, with closed eyes and messy brown locks on a plain white sheet. ' That was what she saw the last of her daughter that day when they finally let her look one last time at her little princess.
And she hadn't tried to shake her awake going insane like they thought she would but she simply let go. She kissed both her daughter soft cheeks that had gone ice cold and wished her goodbye since she loved her and she would never do something that would hurt her daughter. Never!

And then they had carried her away to carry out the last rituals. .....and the irony of how the only duty Aditya had fulfilled as a father was to complete the last ritual!
How pitiful! Alisha smiled bitterly with tears filling her eyes. And that same father claimed that she wasn't affected by the death of her daughter!!!

And left her alone when she needeed him the most. Crying with both the physical and mental pain in a hotel suite in Chicago when she was going through chemotherapy on her own, knowing that there wasn't a single soul that would be waiting for her to get cured and came home.

Month after month!

There was no one left!

And look where she is now, she shamelessly enjoyed the warmth in the arms of the same man.
And no that isn't it! She was crying for him once again!

And she hates herself for that!


It was the third time that a series of knocks fell on her door that she groaned out from below her sheets.

"Madem someone named Charchit Singh is here to meet you. What should I say? "It was her house maid Veena. And it was indeed a surprise that she could speak.

"Invite him in and please offer him some snacks or drink till I come down. "She yelled back although her head throbbed worse.
And she wasn't surprised that there was no reply.

Groaning in frustration she slid out from her bed and stood in front of the full length mirror and cringed seeing her own reflection in it.
If someone said she looks as good as dead, he won't be lying.

Her eyes were blood shot red with bags under it and Alisha did not even want to talk about her clothes and hair.
But what does it matter really? She should just go down, take the letter from him and go back to sleep.

Nodding on her own thoughts, she pushed her hair up into a messy ponytail, tried to straighten her cringe worthy peach business suit that she had slept in, but in vain!

'Nevermind! 'She murmured to herself before she climbed down the stairs slowly in her flip flops.

And that was probably the worst desicion of all since it was him she saw first leaning back comfortably on the couch, looking around with curiosity.

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