Chapter Nine

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Nazmeera looked at Hamza's sleeping form and contemplated between waking him up or dealing with the after effects of her nightmare her self.

Raising shaking hands to run it through her hair and tug at the dark locks.As Nazmeera closed her eyes,her mother's lifeless eyes flashed to her and she opened her eyes,putting a hand to her chest as if willing the pain away.

Deciding not to wake Hamza up,Nazmeera looked at the time and seeing that it was only 2 am she decided to offer her tahajjud prayers.Her Lord would help relieve her of her pain and that she was sure.

Hamza's sleep was disturbed by the sound of someone's muffled sobbing and he shot up, looking to his right expecting Nazmeera to be there but she was not,yet he heard the sobbing which was muffled but not by much.His eyes wandered around and finally landed on Nazmeera's bent form,shaking body and raised hands.

Hamza immediately got off the bed and made his way to her side.He kneeled down besides her and reached his hand forward to touch Nazmeera's shoulder.His heart clutched when she startled at his touch and raised her head to look at him,eyes red from crying and trails of dried up tears as well as fresh tears running down her face.

"Nazmeera." Even though Hamza had whispered her name,he watched how her body shook before more tears ran down her face.

Nazmeera had tried her best to prevent Hamza from waking up and seeing her in such a vulnerable state once again but seeing him in front of her right now struck something in her.One part of her wished he would get up and walk away while the other hoped that finally Allah sent someone,who would try and save her from her nightmares.She hoped Hamza would hold her and tell her it all would be alright.

{....At that moment the angels.      surrounding them,the angels passing by and the angels in the heaven said "Ameen" for her final hope....}

Hamza did not think twice before gently pulling Nazmeera closer to him until her head laid on his shoulder and her legs stretched out.

"Shhhh." He said as Nazmeera tried fighting his hold on her,"Cry it out Nazmeera.Do not hold it in.I promise you will feel better.I'm...." Hamza took a deep breath before continuing,"I'm here for you."

Nazmeera tried holding her tears in but at his words she let it all out,her hands reaching up to grab onto his t-shirt.She cried for the first time in front of someone since she was thrown out from her father's tribe,she allowed her walls down and let her tears flow freely.

Nazmeera was thankful that Hamza held her without saying a word.Nazmeera did not know how long she cried or when Hamza picked her up and sat on the bed holding her to him.

Once she felt that she would not be able to cry anymore and her throat was perched,she just laid her head against Hamza's chest letting her thinking power come back.

Once it came back,Nazmeera realized just how close she was to Hamza and sat up,away from him which made Hamza frown at her even though she did not see.

She attempted to talk but winced at the pain in her throat from her crying,Hamza noticed and took the glass from the bedside table.He handed the glass to Nazmeera who drank all the water and then spoke.

"I....I'm," Her still did not look at him and cleared her throat,trying to mask all the emotions she had shown before speaking again,"I'm so sorry that you had to wake up because of me."

If she had been looking at him she would have noticed the fact that he shook his head and that his eyes held an annoyed look,"Don't apologize.You are my wife,it is my duty to care for you no matter what circumstances of our nikkah."

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