The sight of Kyrie's hand on his chest, and that stupid smile on his face as he looked down at her, were filling me with a jealous rage. I'd never felt this way before... hot and shaky, my vision blurring with an anger so acute I wanted to murder my best friend.

I had to get out of there...

I rose slowly, my eyes sweeping the room as I tried to find the quickest exit, when I heard, "You, come join us."

My head whipped up and my stomach dropped when I realized he was talking to me.

I looked to Kyrie, who just smiled and nodded with encouragement, as I wondered what the hell I should do. Did I run, and leave Jax with Kyrie and the rest of the harem to do God knows what? Or did I cross to him and see what happened next?

Although my mind was screaming, run, my feet propelled me forward.

My breath was coming in shallow pants when I reached them, and I worried I was about to have a panic attack, but I managed to stop in front of them and lift my eyes to meet his.

This is it, I thought. He'll definitely know who I am now.

But nothing registered on his face, and his eyes just flitted from me to Kyrie, then back again.

"Kiss her," Jax said, and all hope that he'd recognized me evaporated.

I swallowed, looking to Kyrie to see what I should do.

Kyrie dropped her hand from Jax's chest and stepped toward me, her hand brushing down my arm as she leaned in to whisper in my ear.

"You can say no," she assured me, adding, "or, you can go with it."

I looked to Jax, who was watching us with heated eyes, then back at my friend as I tried to figure out the best course of action. That's when I realized I wasn't ready to leave him yet. If I left now, I'd probably never see him again, and as my gaze flitted over his face, I realized how much I'd missed him.

Taking my lack of response as a yes, Kyrie lifted her hand to remove her face mask, but I shook my head. There was no way I was going to allow Jax to see my face. If he didn't know who I was, there was no way I was going to reveal myself and risk him leaving. Not again. I wanted a little more time with him before that happened.

I lifted my hand, running it up Kyrie's arm and over her shoulder to cup the back of her head, urging her closer. I closed my eyes as our lips touched through the silk fabric between us. The face masks made the kiss a chaste one, but I could still feel the soft plumpness of her bottom lip, smell the musk of the oil she'd applied, feel the heat of her breath on my face.

I pulled back slowly, lifting my eyes to Jax.

His green eyes had darkened, making them look almost black. One hand still held the glass, but the other had moved down and I realized he was stroking his cock through his slacks.

Warmth filled my veins at the sight, and my body immediately reacted, as if recognizing an old lover. Even though we'd never had sex, we'd explored each other's bodies in every other way possible, and my body was eager for him to finally finish the job.

"My pants," Jax said, eyes on me, so I inched close enough to bring my hands to his waist, unhooked the clasp and eased down his zipper.

He must have indicated that Kyrie should take his shirt the rest of the way off, because she moved behind him and helped him out of it while I eased his slacks down his hips.

"Shoes," he said, his tongue clicking against the roof of his mouth as if I'd done something wrong.

I lowered to my knees and slipped the loafers off of his feet, then reached up to pull his pants the rest of the way down. He lifted one foot, then the other, allowing me to pull the slacks the rest of the way off. I folded them neatly and set them aside, but when I would have risen back to my feet, Jax stopped me with a hand on my shoulder.

I raised my head, and even though I knew what he was about to say next, I was still shocked that I was right.

"Pull out my cock and blow me."

My mind scrambled, even as my pussy throbbed, and I paused, unsure if I could go through with it.

Sensing my uncertainty, I heard Jax call, "You, come take her place," and I knew he was going to switch me out for one of the other girls.

Could I do this? Just blow him like a stranger? Wasn't that degrading? Wouldn't it break something in me?

On the other hand...

Could I watch someone else put their mouth on Jax? Give him pleasure? Wouldn't that be a million times worse?

Not wanting to speak and risk him recognizing my voice, I made a noise and shook my head, then ran my hands up his thighs to show him I was willing to do this.

I didn't want to chance looking up and giving him the opportunity to push me away, so I focused on the task at hand, and reminded myself that this was Jax. I knew his body as well and my own, and I knew how to give him pleasure.

And that's just what I'd do. 

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