Chapter Four

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He'd lied.

That's what my mind was screaming, even as my body was urging me to rush toward him.

Instead, I sat still as a statue in my pink chair, my hands clutching the velvety fabric of the cushion underneath me in desperation.

How could this be happening? I wondered, unable to come to terms with what I was seeing. The last time I'd laid eyes on Jax, he'd been kissing me goodbye before getting on a bus bound for basic training. He'd left with promises and declarations, all of which turned out to be a lie.

My letters came back undeliverable, my emails, unanswered, and the boy who'd said he'd come back for me, had never set foot in our home town again.

I'd been certain he was dead. What other reason could he possibly have for disappearing the way he did? I'd mourned him the way you mourn your first love, with tons of tears, depression, and eventually, putting him on a pedestal where he would forever be the love of my life.

And it had all been a lie, because here he was, in the flesh, a gorgeous, breathing man. The truth hit me in the gut like a balled up fist. He hadn't left me because he'd had no choice, it had been his plan all along.

Jax was never going to come back for me, or marry me. That was why he'd been so adamant about not having sex. He was a bastard, but apparently, had some semblance of morals.

Rage filtered through my frozen limbs, but it quickly fizzled out when I remembered where we were and why.

Jax had ordered this harem fantasy? This is what his deepest wish was, to be married to multiple women? To have a different flavor every day?

The need to flee was overwhelming. Not only had my world just come crashing down around me, but the man I'd always viewed as the love of my life was about to have sex with other women, right in front of me?

I suddenly couldn't breathe.

I tried to concentrate on breathing deep in through my nose and out through my mouth, while I helplessly watched the scene unfold before me.

"You will call me Master," Jax said to the room, his voice strong and clear. "If I ask you to do something you don't like, you always have the option to say no, but if you're all in, I'd like you to obey my commands and stick to your role in this fantasy."

I looked around to see all the women nodding their consent, and slowly did the same when his eyes swept around the room.

Would he know me? The shape of my body, the color of my eyes? Even in this flimsy excuse for a costume, would Jax realize who I was and remember?

It didn't appear so, when he walked over to an ornate table to pour himself a glass of Scotch.

Jax brought the glass of amber liquid to his lips and sipped slowly, his eyes taking in the entire scene, then lingering on each woman as if checking off items on a mental list.

Glass in hand, he strode to the center of the room, crooking his finger at Kyrie, and my heart plummeted.

Eager, her eyes sparkling with excitement, Kyrie eased off the bed and walked slowly and seductively toward Jax.

"Yes, Master," she said, voice low.

"Take off my shirt," Jax ordered, a soft smile playing on his lips as he watched her reach up and begin undoing his buttons.

His shirt fell open to reveal a well-defined chest, toned abs, and a dark smattering of hair that led down into his dress pants.

Jax had definitely developed, and was even more gorgeous now than he'd been at eighteen.

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