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Shayla pov

The nigt before...

I was in the club with some friends,I was at the bar getting a round of shots .when I felt like there was somebody looking at me,I turned around.
There was a guy sitting in a booth with his friends looking at me,I looked at him and gave him the stank face but he winked at me instead

I went back to my friends and then realized I left my phone at the counter.
I went back and luckily my phone was still there I went to the counter and picked my phone up,but then the bartender stopped me.

" wait ma'am" I looked back to see if he was speaking to me."yes"i said confused.

"Here",He passed my two bottles.

"I didn't ask for these"

" I know,that guy over there did".He pointed In a direction.

I followed his finger and looked at a guy,the same one from befor and once again what did he do does he have something in his eyes 24/7,so I just smiled and took the bottles and went back to my friends.

" Ayee,we poppin bottles in this bitch " my friend ja'niya said.

"Oh,shit" Chelsea said

"Wait did you by these I'm paying you back"

"Nah niya ,some dude bought then for me"

"That's wassup we bout to be lit up in this bitch!" Chelsea said getting excited.

Me and the girls start popping bottles I'm past tipsy I'm drunk.

"Hey, a guy and his friends are comig over " Chelsea yelled over the music.

"you would think when someone buys you things ,the person would thank them" the guy that bought me bottles said.

"Well thank you, have a nice night" i said and tried to walk away but then I felt something pull me back by my waist.

" Where do you think your going, I want to dance with you first"

I thought about it for a minute, should I or should I not ,but then again he did I buy me drinks so might as well.


We went over to the floor and at first it was a lit ass song and me and him were dancing and going crazy ,then a kind of slow song came on and I was grinding all up on him,I started to hear little moans and grunts from behind me,then he started kissing my neck.

I turned around and looked at him.

" Whats your name?"

"Shayla,what's yours?"

" you can just call me bambam,my name is hard to Pronounce"


I was cut off by him kissing me ,I didn't stop him I slid my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss,after a while the kiss got heated

" my place or yours" Bambam said.


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