XXXI - Don't Want Your Love

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One week later

"Elena over here!"

I shifted over seeing multiple cameras focusing on me.

"Group photo of the team!"

The team was invited to an award show tonight, so we're walking along the red carpet. We all grouped together for a photo, and I kept walking by myself, but stopped, hearing a name again.

"Shawn! Over here!"

From the corner of my eye I could see him. He stood there posing for pictures. I tried to not look at him, but I failed multiple times.

"Elena! Interview! Please!" I heard a reporter scream over all the others.

Except these two were different than all the others, I knew them.  I walked over with a smile, making them realize I remembered them.

"Ryland, Erin!" I said giving them both hugs.

"How are you? We haven't heard of you in what? Four years?" Erin laughed and I just nodded.

"Yeah, I've just been doing my own thing," I lightly chuckled.

"Shawn, interview please!" I heard someone next to me call out.

Soon enough it was almost as if I could smell his scent near me. I didn't turn my head, but I knew he was next to me.

"So Lena, mind if we ask you a few questions?" Ryland asked.

"Of course," I said keeping a smile on my face.

"Great, so hows tour settling in for you?"

"It's good, really fun actually. The guys are amazing."

"Any guys you're interested in?"


That one question had me sense Shawn was paying attention to me now. The person interviewing him was still asking him questions, and I could hear Shawn stuttering.

"Any relationships for you Shawn?"

I paused waiting for his answer but realized I still hadn't answered Rylands questions.

"Nope. No guys," I said and they both smiled.

"Okay, that's a lie. You totally like one of them," Erin teased and I just shook my head.

"Seriously!" I chuckled, "I have no interest in no one, I haven't for a long time."

"Interesting, now we would've asked you this question a while ago, but we never knew where you were so do you mind?"

"Of course not."

My palms started to sweat as I heard Shawn answering numerous questions. He said he wasn't in a relationship to the guy who asked, and that he doesn't look for that at the moment.

"So Lena, four years ago, we noticed something about you. Were you aware about the pregnancy rumors surrounding you?"

Again, that caught Shawn's attention. I knew he didn't hear about them, but I did. They came up after our breakup.

"Yes I'm aware," I lightly laughed, trying to not break down.

They were about to know everything, and most importantly he was about to know.

"Were you really pregnant?" Ryland asked and my mind flooded back to me finding out.


"I'm just saying it's not that bad to find out if you are or not."

"Will, I can't be."

"Well you and Shawn have been pretty busy in that subject, and now you don't know."

"Look I just," I paused, giving in, because I knew one way or another we knew the answer, "fine just give me the box."

"Here you go Ms. Crabby," he said and I just glared at him.

I walked into the restroom, hands shaking, not knowing what to do. If I was pregnant, this would change everything. Everything for Shawn would change.

Our lives wouldn't be the same anymore, but this was what we wanted. We both decided on trying to make a baby. But it wasn't just a baby, it was going to be our baby.

Now all we have to do it wait to see the truth.


"You know you're gonna have to tell him right?" Will asked

"I know, I'm planning on telling him when he gets home tonight."

"You know I'm here for you if you need it right?"

"I know."

"Good luck okay," he said motioning himself towards the door.

"Thank you, and thanks for the help."


With that, he left, leaving me there with something I had to plan out. I didn't know how to tell Shawn. I didn't know how to handle any of this.


"I'm sorry Elena, I really am."

"You know what, the only person you should be apologizing to is yourself.  Goodbye Shawn."

"Elena, I love you," he said, facing me outside of the door."

"Yeah, clearly not...I hate you Shawn," I said and firmly closed the door.

I sunk down to the floor, my mind scrambling for answers. He left. He really left me, not knowing what was actually going on. He'll never know now.

Something we did, and wanted, is now only left with me.

He left, and he left me pregnant.

*end of flashback*

"Elena?" I heard Rylands voice say and I was taken back to reality.

I could see that he was still listening for my answer. From the corner of my eye he was watching me carefully.

"Yes," I said.

"Yes what?" Erin questioned, as if they had forgotten the question they just asked.

"I was pregnant, but I had a miscarriage five months after."

As I said that, I could sense Shawn walk away.  I couldn't see him in any perspective. He had disappeared.

"I-I'm so s-sorry," Ryland said, realizing the question was a little too personal.

"I-it's okay. It was a long time ago, and I've learned to get through it."

"Well that's good. It's amazing to see how far you've come."

"Thank you Ryland."

"Well we should let you go," Erin said and I just smiled.

"It was nice talking to you guys again, really miss Clevver."

"Well you can visit us anytime."

"That'll be like every day," I chuckled.

"We can work with that," Ryland laughed and started waving at me.

"Alright talk to you guys later."

"Goodbye Elena!" They both said as I walked away and into the venue.

The lights were dark and barely anyone was in since they were still on the carpet. I kept walking trying to find out where I was supposed to go, but that was until I felt someone grab onto my arm.

"Excuse-" I cut my sentence off realizing who it was.

"We need to talk."


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