II - Hold On

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"Hey are you almost ready we have to go," I heard my manager, Andrew, call out.

"Yeah just give me a minute," I said while slipping into a Nike shirt.

I walked out into the living room and saw Andrew waiting on the couch.

"Do we really have to do this?" I complained and he just nodded.

"Yes you do, and your fans will love it," he said and I nodded.

"I just don't see why dancing during my shows would help me...I mean I'm already talented enough," I smirked and he nodded.

"That you are, but everyone wants to see it," he said and I nodded again.

"Okay, well then let's go," I said and started walking towards the door.

"Alright, just promise that you won't turn into a ballerina after this," Andrew laughed and I shook my head.

"That will never happen," I said as we got into the car.

"Whatever you say," he slurred while starting the car.


We had just pulled up to the dance studio and had found a parking spot.  When Andrew shut off the car, I was about to jump out, but he locked the door before I could.

"Wait, there's something we have to talk about," he said sternly and I sat back in my seat.

"Andrew, we already talked about this I won't become a ballerina or tapper or whatever else there is," I said and he shook his head.

"It's not about that okay, it's about who's teaching you," he said and I gave him a confused look.

"Um alright?" I slurred and he just looked down.

"So the girl's name is Elena.  I'm going to warn you right now that she has a boyfriend," he spit out and I still have him the same look.

"I'm not sure I understand what you mean," I said and he put his hand to his face.

"Look, just don't use any of your attractiveness magic on her alright?  She's strictly just giving you dance lesson...are we clear," he said and I just saluted at him.

"Yes sir," I chuckled and hopped out of the car.

We walked into the building and two people, a boy and a girl, were standing at a desk so I assume that's where we checked in.  I wasn't sure though.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" One of them said while coming up from behind the desk.

"Hi, we're here to see Elena," Andrew stated and their eyes widened.

"Wait you're Shawn Mendes?" The other one questioned and I nodded.

Her breath started going heavy and I slightly laughed inside my head.

"Anyways, I'll take you to where she is, but if there's still music going on, I wouldn't go in," The guy said and I nodded.

We started walking down a long hallway, and I was kind of feeling scared of doing this right now.

"So you're taking lessons from her?" He asked me and I nodded, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Well good luck man, I mean Lena is one tough chick who will kick your ass when it comes to dancing," he said and that made me feel uneasy a bit.

"So I'm guessing she takes dancing very seriously?" I questioned and he stopped in his tracks, but kept walking soon after.

"More than seriously, I mean if she could, I think she would kill someone if they messed up one movement in a dance," he explained and I nodded.

"Well then, best luck to me I guess," I chuckled, trying to get all of my nerves out of my body.

"Yeah good luck is what you'll need, but more like a paramedic when she's done with you," he laughed while opening one of the doors.

He poked his head in, and I could hear music inside.

"Hey Elena, he's here," he said and I could here a small voice huff in frustration.

"Okay, send him in...I just need to finish this last dance with these amateurs," I heard the voice said and I was guessing that was Elena.

"Hey we heard that!" Two boys said that were in the room.

"You were supposed to," Elena said while the guy who led us down the hallway opened the door further to us.

"Okay, so just wait in there while she finishes this up," the guy said and walked out of the room as we entered.

Andrew and I stepped in to see a girl with her back faced to us.

"Alright ladies keep up," she said and the music started playing again.

It was almost the chorus to Ed Sheeran's song 'Shape of You.'  Once the chorus came up, the girl, who I assume is Elena, turned around and started dancing to the beat.  (The dance is the video above)

When I saw her, my heart started pumping so fast that I'm surprised I wasn't dead yet.  My eyes stayed locked with her face that was breath taking.  I had no idea what was happening in my head, but I knew that Andrew warned me about it.

I kept watching her as focus stained her face, and once they were done, she let them free, and I'm not even kidding.  It's as if they were her pets.  They had to be released by her, and she's not that tall of a girl either.

Once everyone left, her back was to us again.  And she turned on her heels to face us.

"Well hello there boys."

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